Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gunshow AAR

The People's Republic of Massachusetts has done a poor job of eliminating Gun Shows, and there was one in the next town over from us. That close, there was no excuse not to go, especially as this would be a chance to meet up with Northeast Blogshoot host Doubletrouble. And so #2 Son and I headed out for a morning of Gun Pr0n.

We had a blast. It was (as always) great to see Doubletrouble, and we also ran into Lissa. Maybe next blogshoot can be at the Gun Show?

We managed to pick up some targets, and electronic ear protection. Also some nice mil-surp mittens that the boys can use when they run the snowblower this winter. #2 Son got excited about several knives, but decided to save his money for the next show, when he thinks he'll have enough money for a WWII GI helmet.


  1. Perhaps it would just be a Soviette, with potential to be a full fledged Soviet when it matures? :)

  2. Glad you & #2 could make it; it was good seein' you guys again.

    I started to say there that you'll like those muffs- try this.

    Fire 'em up, put them on, & get used to the ambient noise of the room.
    Then clap your hands- it's weird.

    I wuz going to bring the cannon, but...

  3. Geez, it must be nice to live in a State that allows gun shows. NJ sure don't allow 'em....


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