Thursday, September 24, 2009

So much for Firefox

Gah. Fail. Fail fail fail fail fail:

Mozilla has announced that it plans to bring Office 2007's Ribbon interface to Firefox, as it looks to tidy up the cluttered browser.

"Starting with Vista, and continuing with Windows 7, the menu bar is going away," notes Mozilla in its plans for revamping the Firefox user interface. "[It will] be replaced with things like the Windows Explorer contextual strip, or the Office Ribbon, [which is] now in Paint and WordPad, too."

So, just like Office, everything you know how to do in Firefox will change. You'll have to relearn the most basic stuff. Open a new tab? Err, it's different. Add a bookmark? Different.

Idiots. Don't they know that millions of people think that Microsoft Office 2007 stinks? What improvements can they possibly get that will justify all this user aggravation? Epic, complete, total FAIL.

I've received a secret video from unnamed sources, showing the new Firefox GUI. It's secret, so don't pass it on!


  1. Konqueror


    Older versions of Mozilla running in a virtual shell.

    Anything but the Office Toolbar.

  2. Check again - they've updated the article with more information. Thank goodness.

  3. Translation of that "update:" We got punched in the mouth by our user community as soon as they heard about this, and we're going to backtrack real quick before we get beaten up any worse.

  4. Office? WTF? What's the "ribbon" they speak of? OpenOffice for me then...


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