Thursday, September 3, 2009

Run, Curt, Run!

Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is interested in running for Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat.

Schilling was famous for pitching through a bad ankle injury to help the 2004 Sox win their first World Series in 86 years. Knowledgeable baseball fans knew him for his intense preparation, which involved detailed study of the batters he was going to face in the next game, what they could hit, and what they couldn't. If he decides to run, don't write him off.

What is exciting about this is the prospect of an outsider, who doesn't need the money or fame. Lord knows that the Senate could use an injection of that.

The Ruling political class, of course, will be horrified at the intrusion of an outsider. Their lapdogs in the Mastodon Main Stream Media will cheerfully post beard tugging "this seat is too important to have someone with no experience occupy it" editorials while simultaneously waxing poetic on the virtues of the completely inexperienced Joseph Kennedy.

1 comment:

  1. I don't give two shits what platform he runs on, he'd be a breath of fresh air for the Mass Senate representation.

    And if he runs as a Republican he'll actually have to work to KEEP his seat!



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