Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kindle: "A lovely little Linux Box"

This is so awesome, that all the awesome can't escape from its own Event Horizon:

Via hackaday, we find Ubuntu 9.04 Linux installed on the Kindle eBook reader:

To open up the Kindle, I used the USB networking debug mode Amazon left hanging around when they first shipped the Kindle 2, a statically linked telnetd and a cross-compiler to bootstrap myself. From there, I built a daemon that can convert DRM-free PDFs and ePubs into something Amazon's reader on the Kindle can deal with.

After that, I started to get curious about what else might be possible. It only took a few evenings to get a moderately usable Ubuntu environment running.

Heh. All your eBooks are Belong to Tux.


  1. Laptop...notebooks...netbooks...Kindle...texting phones with big screens.

    Why not put the kindle display on a netbook. That would be great for people who write and read, rather than play games or watch pr0n.

    Just saying...
    Best regards,
    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
    Biology on the Bay: Mangroves

  2. Well done, that man.



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