Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My misspent youth

Was misspent with these:

Anyone recognize this, and know what it came from? Anyone know what it says?

If you do, you probably misspent your youth in New England, too. Have at it in the comments, or you can cheat and click through the link.


  1. Never could figger those things out, but they were on Ballentine Ale caps I believe.

    WV: "parri"
    What we were doing when reading those caps.

  2. Doubletrouble, I didn't drink Ballentine, but you're on-target.

    And extra bonus points for not posting "First!!!1!!one!"


  3. Heffenreffer. The Green Death. The more you drink, the easier the rebuses become to decode.

  4. Holy crap, Heffenreffer...

    Used to come in either a 40- or 64- ounce glass bottle...

    "A day without a buzz is a day that never was"...

  5. Scotaku wins the Intarwebz, by a nose!

    Green Death, indeed.


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