Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Attention Borepatch Readers

JayG has a message. Stand by for incoming transmission:
... vote for the Northeast Blogger patch in Larry's Monster Hunter International Patch Contest! The stakes (ha! Vampire puns!) are high - the winner gets an honorable mention in the next Monster Hunter book (available in 2010 from Baen publishing; I'm hoping that my unsightly pimping of Larry's wares will give me an edge in the event of a tie...)

Let your voice be heard! Die, teddy, die!
And if that heartfelt appeal isn't enough to melt your cold, cold heart, let me just add this:

Vote for Jay or the Teletubbie Pokemon the other Pokemon Teddy Bear gets it!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging ...


  1. Done - for you and JayG. . absolutely.

    You guys are the best!

  2. I'd have gladly voted for you guys if I hadn't submitted my own far less clever entry. Go me!


Remember your manners when you post. Anonymous comments are not allowed because of the plague of spam comments.