Wednesday, December 17, 2008

¡Viva la Lazerlutión!

Come the Bredalucion, you wont use your Outdoor Voice in the Library. She's polite, but she has a plan that includes you, Scooter.

Just sayin'.

And I only did this because Lissa made me.

UPDATE 18 December 2008 11:09: Hokey smokes, it's a Bredalanche! Glad to see y'all, and take a look around. Other fun photoshop (well, The Gimp) stuff here and here.


  1. that seems like it would be hard on the books in the library. . . How do you read? Special flame retardant books or such???? Special glasses like the guy in X-men. . .

    Hey, you created a new character for the X-men - Librarian!

  2. JD, that idea is Made. Of. Win.

    I'd better check with Breda before I photoshop any lycra, tho. And remember "The Incredibles" - no capes!

  3. "Certainly the most famous costumed librarian is Barbara Gordon. By day the librarian daughter of Gotham City’s police commissioner, by night Barbara donned cape and cowl as Batgirl."

    Dude, Super-Breda would whoop Batgirl's ever-lovin' ASS!


  4. Lissa, where on earth did you find that? I'm already wondering if I can photoshop Breda's face into Super Librarian.


  5. Ted, it was extremely arduous, complicated work that ate up thousands of man-hours . . . er, I Googled "superhero characters librarian." :)


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