Monday, January 6, 2025

Why to Democrats hate the poor, elderly, and the environment?

Biden quietly bans gas-powered tankless water heaters.

These are the most efficient design, so Democrats obviously hate the environment.  People will use less efficient models and burn more fuel.

And these are the least expensive models.  Manufacturers expect the ban to add $450 to the price of new water heaters.  The poor and elderly hardest hit.

Holy cow, the Democratic party really sucks.


  1. Actually they love the environment. They just hate people.

  2. It's not only about hate, it's control. And notice how so many times what they put out as laws or regulations don't effect them at all. Or the ones calling for such things practice not in my back yard for all the things they want

  3. My dear Borepatch, I agree with Eagle but fear he doesn't go far enough. They hate everything. Nihilist Satanists springs to mind.

  4. Democrats/liberals hate just about everyone/everything. Including themselves. They are defective human beings.

  5. So far, they have killed gas cans, incandescent lightbulbs, woodstoves, and now small, efficient point-of-use water heaters.

    Clever readers will note a trend.

  6. Seems to me that it was George W. Bush that banned incandescent lightbulbs - it went into full effect after his term in office was over.

    The enemies of the people seem to be the Neo-Liberals in both parties.

    1. And yet the "CFL" lamps came to be known as "Obama Bulbs..."

  7. The Donks love "electric everything" because electricity, dispensed to you and me via "smart meters," is point & click control. "Disobey," and it's point, click, and you're dark, can't heat, can't cool, can't cook, no hot water, no refrigeration, no TV, no internet,... 'See how this goes?... It's ALL about control...

    My early years were spent in an all-electric "Levitt house." When the lights went out that house was dead in the water! We'd end up going over to my grandmother's house. Her lights were out, but the stove and oven still worked. So did the heat. So did the hot water... Candles and oil lamps took care of the light. You DO NOT want an all-electric house!!!!


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