Sunday, August 4, 2024

The weather for today

Wet.  With continued wet throughout the day.  It's Florida in hurricane season, right?

And to answer Graybeard's question, yes we are within the white cone:

So yeah, it's raining.  But it's not so bad.  Consider:

  • It was supposed to start hammering down rain from midnight last night.  I kept waking up because there wasn't noise of rain on the roof.
  • While it looks like it will rain most of the rest of the day, it looks like the worst is already over.  It's more than a drizzle, but there's not a lot of wind.
  • Back when Wolfgang was still alive, there were times that he didn't want to go out because it was raining so hard.  This isn't one of those rain storms.

So we're fine.  My generator started up first pull a couple weeks back (you do run it every month, don't you?) so we weren't worried about all the TV  ZOMGwe'reallgoingtodie!!!11!!

I mean, it's Florida in hurricane season, right?

Anyway, it looks like Graybeard is going to have a more interesting week than I will:

The other is that back in May, I got a reminder from "the system" that I'm due for a routine colonoscopy. The appointment, made well in advance, is for Tuesday. Those of you who have been through this know that the worst part of it is the night before, which is Monday night. With luck, the storm will stay on that track and be centered somewhere near the Georgia/South Carolina border. With bad luck, I'll be having to be working outside while the storm is clearing out - or stalled too close for comfort. Bad luck could mean not being able to put the tower back up for days.

The last time I went through this, I found that some car seat belts would prevent "liftoff" off the toilet seat and the troublesome, messy aspects of uncontrolled flight around the bathroom. The hardware is still bolted to the floor in the bathroom, I just need to remove a nut, put down the belt, and tighten the nut back down. One on each side of the toilet. It's a five minute job but can save hours of cleaning.

I wonder if this is something that NASA and Boeing can use to try to fix the Starliner thruster problem ...

UPDATE 4 AUGUST 2024 14:48: A day like this is perfect to just not go anywhere and watch old movies.  For example, the 1944 Arsenic and Old Lace starring Cary Grant*.  We hadn't seen this in forever, and both of us laughed out loud all the way through it.  Makes you wonder why they can't make films like that anymore.

Arsenic wasn't nominated for any Oscars that year, which seems odd until you think about the other films that were nominated - Double Indemnity and Gaslight to name only two.  Ingrid Bergman (deservedly) won Best Actress that year for Gaslight; interestingly, Cary Grant was nominated for Best Actor but for a different film that year, losing to Bing Crosby in Going My Way.  Just a casual year of films all of which were better than anything produced in the last decade. [/rant]

Oh, and a quick note to all the Florida newbies: it's summer, we get storms here.  Don't panic.  This isn't a snowstorm up north where nobody can drive for a week until the roads get plowed.  It doesn't do you any good to buy out the milk and frozen goods if the hurricane takes out everyone's power for a week.  Don't go to the grocery store for your panic buying, get a darn generator.

To those of you considering moving here from up north, don't.  It's too perilous.

And gas for it.**

* And also Edward Everitt Horton, best know (to old farts like us) as the narrator of Fractured Fairy Tales on Bullwinkle.

** Dual fuel is even better, with propane tanks.


  1. Wow, hurricane toilet lift off is something I never thought about.

    Seatbelts-cargo straps for the win?

  2. I think he was referring to the rocket-power of explosively vacating one's bowels during the colonoscopy prep. Ah, Calcium Citrate, my nemesis...

    As to the horrible storm... no rain here in Gainesville yet. Though we were promised rain and winds by 8am, then by 11am, now, eh.

    And, gee, if the Weatherguessers can screw up so bad with a current storm, how can we trust them on climate change predictions 10, 20, 50, 100 years away? (Answer, is, of course, we can't. My sinuses are a better storm predictor than NOAA and any TV weatherguesser.)

  3. Praise God for uneventful hurricanes/tropical storms.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. The way the forecasts drifted west continuously since that Friday plot has really made the storm easier to live with. We had one little shower around 3:00, and winds seem to be peaking at 22 gusting 36. Not really unusual, but not quite everyday. More common when cold fronts come through in another few months.

    Good to hear you're having an easy time with it.

    And Beans was exactly right in his first sentence. Tomorrow night/Tuesday morning will be the "fireworks."

  5. In a blizzard, the whole outdoors is a refrigerator.

  6. I had my colonoscopy week before last. My Dr still prefers the gallon jug of vileness and the cleanout was worse that the procedure. All I remember of it was the anesthesiology tech saying, "We're going to start your med..." and I woke up in recovery.

    I have a SIL in Port Charlotte. She got heavy storms yesterday and is getting the back side of it this morning. Good Luck!


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