Monday, August 12, 2024

Now this seems like an interesting opportunity

So some self-important English Plod said he was going to criminally charge and extradite US citizens for exercising their first amendment rights on US soil.  Interesting.

Quite frankly, this seems like a golden opportunity for political candidates here to get a "gimmie" issue.  Sticking up for the first amendment seems like a layup.  And if as I suspect the Democrats are institutionally incapable of sticking up for free speech, then this is a gold plated opportunity to paint them as the party of censorship - not to mention being weak on foreign policy.

Like I said, this issue looks like it's 100% upside.


  1. The British government is using 1984 as a how to guide rather than as a warning. I am amazed that the Brits are such sheep. I'd have thought that they'd have burned down whitehall by now and boiled all the tories and laborities for selling them out. The they should send all the Africans and Muslims back to their homelands via a 16 inch shell.

    1. I wish it were just the British Government using 1984 as a "How To Guide." The surveillance and censorship powers the US government has accrued to itself over the past 15 years or so are troubling at best and frightening at worst.

  2. We all know this nimrod has zero ability to actually follow through on his threats. UNLESS....he has aid and assistance from the current administration.
    Unfortunately anyone paying attention would realize that the current JustUs Department/FBI would happily round up and ship anyone this twit wanted off to London.

    1. If they got further on this, I see an epic court fight and probably precedent set against extraditing someone for a Constitutional right.
      I suspect it's a fight the liberals don't want to have because it would limit their own censorship and control.

  3. As I have previously said, there are no "good employees" in either the FBI nor the DoJ, and there have not been any since AT LEAST Whitey Bulger.
    Execute every one of them for their treason. Then put their heads on pikes around the Beltway.
    Pour encourager les autres!

  4. Paraphrasing O Bummer, "Don't under estimate the Uni parties ability to f*<k things up." So, we're a captive audience to this Shit Show by GloboHomoPedoCommieWEF Inc. Pretty sure they're going to crash and burn. I just hope they don't destroy infrastructure enough to put us into civility (not civilization) ending civil society.
    We can certainly do without the Evil Phuquers, food gas, electricity, truckers, not so much.

  5. The democrats keep bleating about misinformation and needing to censor all things to finalize the triumph of communism or something. Of course none of them ever trouble to look at any alternative news sources and they'll stick with NPR and NYT until they die....ignorant.

  6. If that Limey @$$hole wanted to get mainstream Americans to explicitly and directly fund Muzzie terrorism against British plods, as our proxie warriors, he's picked an excellent way to go about that outcome.

    Moron, meet unintended consequences.

    Even their flappy-eared King Chucklehead ought to be wise enough to drop a note in the MetroPolice's IN box, and tell them to sack that idiot, before he ignites a whole world of pain in blowback.

    Just saying.

  7. Trump should demand that the Police Commissioner be fired or the UK will face consequences in a Trump administration.


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