Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Disney+ Terms of Service does not give blanket immunity

Sanity breaks out at Disney:

Disney said it is abandoning its motion to compel arbitration in a case filed by a man who alleges his wife died from anaphylaxis after a restaurant at a Disney complex failed to honor requests for allergen-free food.

Disney's motion to compel arbitration controversially cited the Disney+ streaming service's subscriber agreement, which includes a binding arbitration clause. The plaintiff's lawyer called the argument "absurd."

Disney confirmed this week that it will withdraw the motion, which it filed on May 31.

Good.  It was a stupid argument anyway.  Man, they generated a lot of ill will with that bone-headed move, though.




  1. And who actually reads the TOS small print boiler plate?

    Off topic Borepatch but given the spree of "compromised" Social Security numbers and other personal ID data, what suggestions do you have?

  2. Michael, I have an account with Expedia that keeps my credit file locked and notifies me if anyone tries to access it. I would also suggest you don't use a debit card for ANYTHING: use credit cards. Set credit card alerts to tell you when a purchase above a certain dollar amount requires voice approval (I have 2 cards that do that). Turn on 2FA for *everything* - it may be a nuisance, but it's at least a double-check. Block every spam number that comes into your phone. Don't use "unsubscribe" for spam emails: that's just a way to verify that the email address is live and being monitored. And when a SSN is "optional", don't give it. Just some thoughts - I'm sure others have thoughts as well.

  3. Sadly, Disney seems to somehow embrace negative press these days. The worse the better. Only to blame thier demise on the same old tired excuses. Blah, blah, homophonic, blah, blah, racist, etc.

    1. I've got a homophonic record player. It only play's 78's, though.

  4. Homophonic??? Love autocorrect 🤣

  5. And that bad 'feeling' is not going away re Disney anytime soon!

  6. Lawyers gonna lawyer.

    That's 90% of Disney corporate (or should that be coprophiliac?) manglement.


  7. I remember when I arrived at NAVCENT in the mid90s and not having heretofore been all that impressed by the PR flaks I've met over the years. Then I met T. McCreary and it reshaped my whole opinion. He had a pure genius for sussing out the right COA in every situation liable to result in a collision with the media, press or neighbors and make it as smooth as possible.
    Disney used to have that knack somewhere but they lost it some time ago. They would be wise to get it back but I don't think they can because they are so wrapped up with impressing the 3% and DIE types that they willingly blow off the other 90% every single time.

  8. Disney has become an evil organization. That one of their scum sucking lawyers tried such a tactic is believable. The entire Disney Corp could go away tomorrow and the world would be a better place.
    In no way am I excusing the restaurant's failures, but have to wonder if Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan's EpiPen was expired or improperly administered to her. Did she have a second EpiPen available if the first one did not resolve the symptoms? Were the people with her familiar on how to administer the EpiPen?


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