Saturday, June 29, 2024

Let's Be Honest

I am not suggesting that Pr. Biden step aside and allow his party to select a different candidate in this year's election.

I am stating that the Vice-President and the Cabinet are duty bound to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment and remove Pr. Biden because he is clearly unable to discharge the duties of the office.


  1. Using the 25th amendment on Biden is exactly what the democrats want. Without it, they are stuck with Biden on the ballot. Even if they were to replace him at the convention, I believe there are some insurmountable hurdles to overcome in some key states since they have already registered Biden as the democrat nominee. At this point only death, or the 25th amendment, will allow the democrats to replace Biden on the ballots in all 50 states.

  2. I agree with you but I think people don't understand just how deeply steeped in evil the Democrats, DNC and Courts are in this country. We will see a replay on a national scale of the shameless screw-over of the voters in New Jersey when Torrecelli dropped out after the primary and the Court let the democrats stuff Lauttenberg on the ballot even though he was not selected by a single voter.
    The rules appear clear and Harris could do that thing but she would be dead of 'suddenly' within the week and long before she lined up the support in the DNC and Secret Masters cabinet of fools liars and knaves.
    I don't see it happening.
    Can't you see it falling all the way down to the lap of the current Speaker of the House? :)

  3. By a strange twist, Americans across the nation are now in the position of keeping joepedo in place. The best course would be to not let his occupation of the White House end before the election.

    This would result in a wall preventing the socialists move forward in their nefarious plans. Jan 20, 2025 dawns in glorious sunshine for all who love liberty.

  4. Honesty? In an age of lies and liars?

    Surely, you jest…😞


    Depends on which world it is, do'n'it?

  6. New York City has already "counted" 30 million "votes" for Slow Joe in the November election. Do you REALLY want to make them go back and change the name on ALL of those?


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