Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Illegal food

It seems that there are some types of food that are illegal in the United States - for example, you can't sell horse meat for human consumption.

Enter Illegal Chips, which allows you to taste these forbidden fruits in potato chip form.

I had not known any of that.  Of course, my tastes are more mainstream, such as Walkers Roast Chicken crisps.


  1. Horse meat used to be sold here in the US. Was very popular before and during WWII.

    Somehow someone in Big Cattle got the nation off of horse meat.

  2. So... You have chips that taste like fish... Are they supposed to taste like a fish or a cheap whore?...

    What did God say when Eve took her first swim?

    "DAMN! I'm NEVER gonna get the SMELL outa those FISH!!!"

  3. You can still taste Walkers 3 days after you ate them, especially the smokey bacon ones.

  4. You say that as if it was a BAD thing, BadFrog!

  5. Did you cause a run on Illegal Chips? It's saying their three-flavor sampler is sold out.

  6. I had horse steak in Kazakhstan. It's really quite good.


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