Sunday, June 30, 2024

I like the cut of her (possibly Vice-Presidential) jib

Tucker Carlson interviews Tulsi Gabbard.  She is seemingly under consideration by Donald Trump for potential Vice President.  Clearly he hates women.  Or something.

In particular, if you are worried that she is a typical Hawaiian liberal Democrat, you should skip t0 45:00 or so.  Or 55:00.  but you should really listen to the whole darn thing.

No. this is not (yet) a Borebatch ensorsement for Tulsi Gabbard for Donald Trump's Vice President.  But her journey is a lot like mine, and she is very, very impressive (and very, very not a Mike Pence or Kamalal Harris way).

Keep an eye on Tulsi Gabbard.  Just sayin'.


  1. Big nope for me. She seems that she'll pence Trump first chance she can.

    She talks a big game but so did Nikki Haley before the masks fell.

  2. I agree with Beans. She's a political opportunist just like Pence and Kamala


  4. Nopety nope nope nope.
    We've already had backstabber Pence.

    Fins someone with actual time-in-the-trenches, not a Janey-Come-Lately political chameleon.

    Maybe some minor cabinet-level post. Head of the VA, perhaps.
    Let her run for Senate from HI.

    But Veep? For a slam-dunk one-term president, who'll be in his 80's and could stroke out any day his entire term, and the nominal heir to the next presidential run?? No Way In Hell.

    I can find better and more qualified candidates on the local city council than her. There are pundits more qualified for the job than her.

  5. If you need a woman for VP, there are better choices. Huckabee or Lake would be good picks.

  6. This is not an ordinary year. Trump is also picking the heir to MAGA so matter how good anyone might be as VP they must fill the other role too. And ticket balancing with a eye toward winning should be absolutely off the table. Short term thinking is a sure loser and it doesn't work anyway unless the person can deliver significant fraud, like LBJ.

  7. I somewhat like her - but not for VP. Too many of her positions are in direct opposition with what The People need to recover from decades of Democrat-imposed ruin of this country. She may have quit the Democrats, but she hasn't yet repudiated enough of their policy positions to get my support. In my mind, she's still a Democrat at heart.

    As Aesop said, maybe for the VA. She is still in the active reserves, so she does understand what it means to be a veteran (unlike too many in Washington) and might - MIGHT - have the guts to push for needed change.

    1. Yes, maybe for VA, or maybe even Sec Def.

  8. I'm also a fan of Tulsi. Should be remembered that she took on Hillary in 2016 then decimated Kamala single handed in the 2020 Democrats debate (look up the video for a good laugh).

    She used to be a Dem. Then again so was Trump.

  9. She's a typical commie leftist masquerading as conservative. Like almost everyone Trump had in his first administration. It's one of the main reasons he didn't accomplish as much as expected. And he's likely to make the same mistake again.

  10. Oh hell no! Hawaiian...nuff said.

  11. My view of Tulsi has improved over the past 5 years, as have some of her positions. I think she's been getting smarter about some things after she was attacked by her own Democrats so fiercely. Remember, Hillary called her a Soviet agent because Tulsi wouldn't toe the Democratic party line about something.

    But she still has some areas where I think she fails the requirements for me to want her as VP. At least until recently, she still had the Hawaiin disease about gun control. So I agree that she should be given an opportunity in Trump's cabinet somewhere. Just not sure where.

  12. Big No. Veteran, check (#metoo!), who looks good in a swimsuit on the beach, lots of other details missing. Those can be found elsewhere on the net. I would start with a bit of what Shipwreckcrew pointed out months ago.


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