Thursday, June 6, 2024

A day for remembering

80 years ago the Allies stormed the Atlantic Wall.

Via Chris Lynch, we see that the French High School kids in Normandy remember.

82 years ago was the battle of Midway.  The torpedo bombers sacrificed themselves almost to a man but that opened the way for the dive bombers to rip the heart out of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

106 years ago the Marines went on the assault at Belleau Woods in the Great War.  It was one of the costliest days in Marine Corps history, and took heroes like First Sergent Dan Daly to rally the men: Come on you sons of bitches!  Do you want to live forever?


Truly a day for remembering.  Remember them.

Google has a remembrance today, too.

Some lesbian writer.  So brave, no doubt.  So very brave.  

Hey Google - french kids spent minutes chanting U-S-A!  You might ponder what that means.


  1. For various reasons, Yanks will balk at the idea that America is a Christian nation blessed by God. I encourage such people to read the accounts of the battle of Midway from both the American AND Japanese perspectives. For it to have happened the way it did, things had to go PERFECTLY for the Americans. EVERYTHING had to go horribly wrong for the Japanese. Outhouse luck only goes so far in explaining the chain of unlikely events that occurred.

    Hate to say it but it seems America and God have turned their backs on each other since…

  2. The high caste leaders of Google and their H1b employees know what is best for America. What was Gahndi's quip to the last Viceroy, "Time for you to go home."?

  3. 'F' Google... We stand with those brave souls to who gave their all for us.

  4. Every American should make the trip to Normandy. The French bring school kids there from all over. We were there for the 70th anniversary and met some veterans from the 101st. I will go back again as soon as I can.

  5. So let us reflect on what freedoms do I have now that a post WWII American had? We should have stayed out of WWII on both sides of the sea. Hitler should have been helped to smash Bolshevism. I'm so grateful the tranny parades and having dumb-versity shoved in my face. But hey, sure would be horrible to speak German. And that's another lie, Hitler did not world domination but the Bolsheviks did. Hitler made a number of reasonable peace offer before and during the war, but somehow those did not make it to the history books of the victors.

    If WWII was so great for democracy and freedom, why was half of Eastern Europe enslaved for the next half century or so? Patton was right, we fought the wrong enemy.

  6. Lab Manager, never forget that Roosevelt had an insatiable urge to fellate Joe Stalin, and understood the only way to get there would be to force the US into the war on his side. Roosevelt surely knew that no Asian culture could tolerate loss of face, and thus when he cut off Japan's access to resources, he forced them to attack. Then once we were in the war, he promptly ignored the Pacific and started shoveling aid to the Commie swill.

    Patton was right!

  7. FDR was surrounded by a certain (((group))) that shall remain unnamed. It's notable that Chian Kai Shek could not get any American help to defeat communist who took over China. But let us keep believing mustache man bad for the German people.

    I can't say the NSDAP was my ideal form of government and bad stuff happened under it like any other, but Hitler did raise the living standard of his people given what they had been through in the 1920s.

    Anyway, here is a link to show how much better we are than those evil Nazis, Chairman Mao, or Joe Stalin.

  8. Lab Manager, point of order: FDR was a notorious anti-semite.


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