Sunday, May 26, 2024

Mozart - Requiem in D

The older I get, the grumpier I get.  Sometimes I look on our society and feel like I am getting my Jeremiah on, which is never a good look.

Memorial Day is one of the times that this reliably happens.  Look, people, this holiday is not about barbecues and beach.

Remember them, that their memory not fade.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.  Et lux perpetua luceat eis.  Amen.


  1. Beautiful, and fitting this was performed by the French orchestra especially as we approach June 6.
    Thank you for doing this and thank you for the comment, not grumpy at all, but appropriate.

  2. My little town holds a Memorial Day parade, and a short ceremony with a wreath and Taps being played. I almost can't stand to go any more, because there's always some jackass who can't shut their yap for 2 blessed minutes while everybody is reminded that it's not about barbecues and beaches. And I readily admit to being a grumpy old man.


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