Thursday, March 21, 2024


 He certainly believes in his product.


  1. It's been known for years that you didn't need as many layers as the standard vest carries.

    But less layers comes at a cost of bruising and potential surface openings.

    Just like in "John Wick 2," it will hurt, but it will stop.

    Of course, with standard ball, soft point or expanding point bullets of the rather round variety as found in pistols and some carbines.

    Against a jacketed spitzer round? Nope, nopey nope nope.

    So probably not good against an AK-47 round. But against most handgun ammo and shotgun pellets, yeah.

    But... As Dr. Smith would say, "Oh, the pain, the pain..."

  2. Weeellll THAT left a mark. Hope he makes a ton of money.

  3. On my list of smartest people in the world, I don't think he'll make the top ten. Good advertising: yeah, maybe. Smart move: not hardly. It's goofs like this that give gun owners a bad name.

  4. Richard Davis of Second Chance body armor start that trick decades ago.

  5. People die from ruptured spleens all the time.

  6. Richard Davis had the wit to shove a phone book inside the vest to stop bruising before he did that stunt.

    Which he did in product demos about once a week.

  7. In this day and this political climate if you have the scratch to afford such accoutrements you would be wise to acquire them.

  8. Part of the reason that Richard Davis stuffed a decent sized phone book under his Second Chance soft body armor is that he was using a .44 Mag in his demonstration.

    I watched him do that in person. Impressive!

    IIRC, his first public demo was while speaking to a meeting of the Police Chiefs group. I've seen that video. They thought he killed himself on stage.


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