Monday, December 4, 2023

Christmas movie trivia - Scrooged

The Queen Of The World and I watched Scrooged, the 1988 Bill Murray Christmas flick.  It's a quite fun film but it has a fair amount of depth as well - not to mention an all-star cast including Robert Mitchum, John Houseman, and Carol Kane among others.

And the "among others" was the fun part of watching.  You see, the ghostly taxi driver (Ghost of Christmas Past) is played by David Johansen, a.k.a. Buster Poyndexter.  Yeah, that Buster Poindexter:

Notice the cameo by Bill Murray in this video?  The video was made in 1987; Scrooged was filmed in 1988.

Astonishingly, The Queen Of The World had never watched this video before.  Her reaction?  Buster Poyndexter is a really good actor, both in film and in the video.  About right, there.

Scrooged gets two thumbs way, way up.


  1. Carol Kane, the Ghost of Christmas Present, is my favorite character in Scrooged.

  2. I'm sorry sir, we've tried everything, but we can't seem to get these antlers to stay on the mice's heads.
    Have you tried staples?

  3. Best Christmas film ever?


  4. Having never seen Schrooged I now feel left out, I will have to watch it now.

  5. Mike V, you won't regret it. Aesoop, the antlers/staples line is my favorite from that movie.

  6. Just ordered Scrooged -- will watch asap. One of my favorites is Trading Places -- a yearly tradition now.
    I love how Buster mentions "the heavy mental bands" and wearing their mother's clothes in the intro.
    Always a favorite video -- who can sit still watching it?

  7. Have a look at this -


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