Sunday, October 15, 2023

Friedrich Nietzsche - Eine Sylvesternacht, for violin and piano

Did you know that Friedrich Nietzsche - yes, that Friedrich Nietzsche of ubermensch fame - was an amateur composer?

He was not highly regarded by the Great and the Good of his day.  Wagner scoffed at his works, but then Nietzsche had somewhat impertinently sent a piano composition as a birthday gift to Wagner's wife.  The conductor Hans von Bulow said that one of Nietzsche's pieces was "the most undelightful and the most antimusical draft on musical paper that I have faced in a long time".

Other than that, maestro, how did you like the piece?

Me, I don't think it's half bad.  It's squarely in the Romantic Period style, and is good music to listen to on a Sunday morning as you fix your coffee.


  1. Didn't Wagner know that what didn't kill him made him stronger?

    Always a pleasure to learn stuff from your site.

  2. There was a lot of competition but was this the most frightening mustache of the 19th century? Tacitus

  3. Yes, not half bad. A mildly peasant 10 minutes, or so. Better than any pop music today. And another side to Nietzsche, always a good read for troubled souls: Suck it up!

  4. I like it. Yes, the style is late Romantic, somewhere between Schumann and Brahms. I don't think I'd take Wagner's opinion on anything. Nietzsche has always been one of the most misunderstood philosophers of any era, then or now. So it's no surprise that his musical talents would be disparaged as well.
    For another surprising composer to check out, Sir Anthony Hopkins has a waltz performed by Andre Rieu and his orchestra:


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