Tuesday, August 1, 2023

SNEAKERS - The Best Movie You Never Saw

As a followup to my post about the film Sneakers, this is a very good overview if you haven't seen it.

As the comments have pointed out, this is a very quotable film.  Great screenplay and great cast.


  1. My favorite line from it was Poitier's "You guys would be chalk outlines without me."

  2. I saw it, but I don't particularly remember it.

  3. Yes, very good movie. Haven't seen it in years, but always enjoyed it.

  4. Au contraire.
    Saw it.
    Own it.
    Loved it.

    Quote it only slightly less than Princess Bride or Quest For The Holy Grail, which is the acid test.

    "Wait a second...you can have anything you want, and you're asking for my phone number?
    273-9164.Area code 415.

  5. And BTW, if we're talking movie scores, the one for Sneakers by James Horner, featuring inspired jazz from Branford Marsalis was a delight.

  6. Must have seen that flick at least half a dozen times. Can't recommend it enough either.

  7. Pen testing before pen testing was cool.

  8. No more secrets.

    Great movie! I've watched it several times; but now I want to watch it again...


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