Friday, July 21, 2023

Kevin Mitnick est mort

"The world's most dangerous hacker" is dead at 59 from pancreatic cancer.  There's a good obit at The Register

It's a little strange to have been in the security biz long enough to see people start to die off.


  1. It disconcerts me to see people dying at 59, since I'm...uh...let's not go there.

    Also, pancreatic cancer stinks. It's killed a lot of good people, some at even younger ages. And I don't think it gets the attention it deserves compared to other cancers.


  2. What a shame, especially pancreatic cancer. He was one of the first to expose caller ID spoofing. I enjoyed the several interviews he did with Art Bell back in the day.

  3. "I know crazy monkey technique!" I wonder whatever happened to Shimomura.....

  4. Shimomura you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

    - Borepatch

  5. I met him a few times at Open Source conferences. He was an interesting guy.


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