Tuesday, July 11, 2023

3 "Only Ones" arrested for theft

TSA agents stole money from passengers at screening points in Miami:

Three Transportation Security Administration agents who work at Miami International Airport were arrested on fraud charges.

According to investigators, Elizabeth Fuster, Josue Gonzalez and Labarrius Williams worked together to steal cash from passengers’ purses and bags while they were being screened at the airport, June 29.

The agents were removed after a TSA employee followed up on a complaint, watched surveillance video and shared findings with the police, who took immediate action and placed them under arrest on Thursday.

But remember, only government agents can be trusted with firearms.

Security guru Bruce Schneier has been saying for years that TSA is a total waste of money (c.f. the 90+% failure to detect phony bombs during testing), and that if he were put in charge of it he would give all the budget back to the treasury.



  1. TSA was created to make another public sector union to launder tax dollars to Democrats....

  2. @Matthhew W.
    Created by George Bush to make another public sector union...

  3. To both of you, TSA was created to serve as an actual service. But then Congress and the professional bureaucratic class got involved.

  4. TSA was created immediately after 9/11. The exact same private security employees suddenly became federal civil servants. The same ones that were letting 70%-90% of contraband through the screening were all issued new blue uniforms and told "You are the first line of defense. Go get em."

    I've personally seen a TSA agent make a 4'-8", at least 80 year old Japanese woman who probably weighed about 90 pounds, stand up from her wheel chair, with arms outstretched so they could wand her for contraband. Assinine.

    At the same time, Detroit Metro had trees in huge potted planters inside the terminal. In these planters were stones, many of which were about 2-3 inches around and weighed about 1-2 pounds. Put one of those in a tube sock and you have a hefty weapon to swing around, all beyond the TSA checkpoints. Security theater at its finest.


  5. TSA, from its inception, seems to have been a place for affirmative action hires from the dregs of inner cities. I have yet to see a TSA agent who I would trust in a dark alley after work. They look like they wanted to give jobs to the welfare roles.

  6. Screw giving the money saved by eliminating the TSA back to the Treasury!! Give it back to taxpayers! The Treasury proved, yet again, they can't be trusted to act in the peoples best interest!

  7. Point Of Order:
    The TSA aren't and never will be "Only Ones".
    They overwhelmingly carry no weapons, nor will ever be permitted to, and they alone, of federal agencies' thugocracy, do not qualify as POST-certified LEOs. I'm pretty sure the only hiring interview is "Do you check a box on the Diversity Bean List below?"

    This is because they're 95% overweight donut-chugging-by-the-box fat black ladies hired straight across from Wackenhut and other mall cop companies, right into the FedGov in the bastardized aftermath of 9/11.

    They and the Patriot Act(s) should be tossed in the nearest Morbark at the first opportunity.

  8. "No one good, decent, honest, competent, moral, ethical or intelligent has ever been employed by the tsa in any capacity whatsoever."

    RIP, Weaponsman


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