Saturday, May 27, 2023

Night 1 of my Grand Daughter's beauty pageant

Earlier this month I posted that #1 Grand Daughter was in the Miss USA Teen Rhode Island pageant.  Well tonight was the first night.

Wowzer.  She gets her good looks from her Mom, who gets them from The Queen Of The World.  No mystery there.

Dang, my son-in-law the Chief really needs a shotgun.  Longtime reader LindaG suggested that this song might be appropriate:

So help me out, Rhode Island readers - where's a good gun store up there?  I'd ask for a local gun store but c'mon - everything is local in Rhody.  OldAFSarge, I expect you're my go-to guy up there.

(Help us, Obi-Wan OldAFSarge.  You're our only hope!)


  1. Praying she does well.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. First Defense Firearms on the RI/MA border is a decent place.

  3. I believe Maniac has the right of it.

  4. I would highly recommend Heritage Gun and Coin located at 250 Cowesset Ave West Warwick. Knowlegeble counter workers and decent prices.

    Warren Hudson AKA xmaddad1


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