Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Peter thinks that short format social media makes people nastier:

I question whether most "short format" social media outlets are worthwhile any more.  Most seem to be overrun with people who talk their hind ends off, but don't listen very much - or very well.



  1. Seems like those short posts tend to get more "score points" type posts & responses than longer form content where the poster is more often expected to defend their ideas.

    It's amazing how full of sh*t some people (on both sides) can be while posting in a few seconds sitting on the toilet.

  2. Agree with BC and the others... sigh

  3. The old adage goes, if we were meant to talk more than we listen, God would have given us two mouths and one ear.

    I swear your average Twitter user read that and thought, "Welp, I've got 10 fingers, so...."

  4. I will admit to going down the lane and around the corner to make a point sometimes, but I always keep in mind that someone has to read what I post in order for it to have any effect. And I post with the idea that someone might pick it apart and throw back the pieces. It's part of the job.

  5. Bah! That’s the old man/essayist in ya talking, BP.

    There’s a lot of sick and stupid people on the blogs too. (I’ll spare you, BP! I will not name names! HAR HAR HAR!!!) A lot of them are over bloated wind bags who are a waste of time regardless of word counts.

    I went over to Blab recently and there’s an ocean of pent up rage and lunacy there…but you also have the tools to control and contain it. The kids handle it with aplomb. And they handle countless other platforms and utilities too that they’re on that are totally different. They aren’t intimidated by new tech or platforms at all! They’re like organic flocks of birds, swooping and circling before settling in one tree…and then off to the next! Tumblr, instagram, Tik Tok… it’s incredible to watch. They grew up with all this and they use these tools like pros.

  6. Mike Tyson said it best.... "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


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