Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Enough with the dishonesty

Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
Is the immediate jewel of their souls:
Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing;
’twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And makes me poor indeed.

- William Shakespeare, Othello

I'm with Mike from Cold Fury: Trump has to go.  The only thing I would add is that he has to go because he's too stupid to realize that his idiotic attacks on Ron DeSantis are trivially falsified by watching the video he posted.  Dumbass.

All that one gains by falsehood is, not to be believed when he speaks the truth.

- Aristotle


  1. Nobody I know predicted the twists and turns of Presidential politics in the last six or seven years, so I claim no gift of prophecy. But maybe Trump does good service to the Conservative cause by flaming out early and highlighting the more general appeal of other, younger....I'll say it, better candidates.

    I neither intend nor desire to disparage the views of anyone who has strong belief in Trump. He has pros and cons. But in my view, he is the only reason Biden is occupying the WH instead of a nice condo/assisted living facility someplace warm. And would be the only reason said gormless griftmeister could remain there and do more damage for a second term.


  2. All too true, T. And you as well BP...

    But... what's the alternative? De Santis is right where he is needed. It's a pity we don't have a dozen of him up here in Canada. But let us face realities: there is no fixing this 'democratically'. I consider you guys sensible, reasonable men that want sensible, reasonable things for your country... yet to half of America, you guys are heretics, pariahs and you need to be silenced and controlled for the Public Good. The Swamp is not going to clean itself. It's even worse up here in Canada. The kinds of people that need to go are the ones that won't stop... they have to BE stopped. Not to fedpoast on your blog or anything... but the ol' nickel rings true, to my ear anyway... we are not voating our way out of what is coming. I think both our countries need either a divorce or a civil war to change the things that need to change... but whadda I know...?

  3. I just read something that made DeSantis sound pretty good. But I am trying not to waste any time figuring out what is going on in the Republican party. It's like the chaos you get when currents collide in the ocean.

  4. The Trump/DeSantis sideshow is exactly that. Irrelevant. With the implementation of mail in voting and ballot harvesting the left is never going to lose another election that they wish to control. EVER. TINVOWOOT We will never see another honestly elected conservative POTUS again. Not unless we burn it all down and start over. America as it was founded and as we old folks remember is of gone. For good.

  5. @Glen,
    How about you get your own house in order with Turdoo up in Canuckistan, then come tell us how to do it down here?
    What with all your spare time and all...

    Meanwhile, back in the day, some of you should be old enough to remember Daddy Bush called Reagan's policies "voodoo economics", yet still somehow managed to secure a VP slot on the ticket that year, and helped get Reagan elected twice.

    Get over it. It's politics. De Santis, outside FL, pulls smaller crowds at a Denny's than Biden does.
    Trump is still able to fill stadiums.
    If this becomes a contest about which FL politician is going to be the nominee, DeSantis is a guppy in a koi pond. And nobody in history nominates two people from the same state. DeSantis is being pimped and softballed by the MSM purely as a Trump spoiler. Nothing more, nothing less. Any destiny he has is nil unless and until Trump bows out, and he knows that, even if you don't. And the minute he's the front-runner, the full force of the Libtard blowtorch gets turned at his face, and he's a green rookie in that competition.

    Stop doing the DNC's work for them.

    Cheering at the sportsball game is fun and all, but never confuse yourself into thinking you have any effect on the outcome, nor will share any of the glory.

    Hero-worshipping politicians is like falling in love with hookers.
    Those days are in America that was.

  6. Now see here, Aesop- I don't care for your tone! Why - I am of half a mind to sneak across the border with my 6 Canookistannie buddies, and voat in your next election! We'll cast 6 voats (each (for Biden)) and have Sasqueetcha flip your voat democrat down at the polling station too. Then we'll all go on welfare and crap on your front lawn too! HAR HAR HAR!!!

    Mock me at your peril, fag!!!!

    And - seriously - I'm not telling anyone anything. I am asking what the alternatives are, is all. For what it's worth - I think the proper solution for Justin Turdo and Biden is a bullet... but whadda I know?

  7. You've had half a mind for far too long, which is your own cross to bear, but it's connected to a whole mouth, which shares that around.
    What say you give your ears a chance for a change, and self-impose an embargo on chiming in, at least on this one issue?
    If you ever emigrate here and have skin in the game, you should by all means pipe up.
    But until that day, your comments on the American political scene from nowhere amidst it are about as appropriate and welcome as Prince Harry's.
    That, and you're blowing the grading curve for millions of polite and intelligent Canadians.
    Think of your neighbors, man.

  8. I'm going to throw in two cents worth here while I'm waiting for the coffee to cook.

    Donald Trump, God love him, holds the power to get anyone elected in 2024 EXCEPT Donald Trump.

    Yes, he can fill stadiums. He can direct voters to whatever candidate he deems worthy. But all the crap, lies, and hate that have been directed at him since June 16th, 2015, is still out there and the flames will flare up once again if he becomes the candidate.

    Donald Trump, as promoter, will still be a target. But he will draw fire away from any other candidate while lending them his strength.

  9. Trump has to return to power. Otherwise, we accept the normalization of election fraud.

    As for DeSantis, he is an effective cultural warrior but that is a distraction. If you follow the money, he appears to be part of the globalist apparat.

  10. God i love all youse guys but DAMN yall are dense. trump, desantis it don't mean nothin. the election, if it happens, is already fixed. probably always has been. tinvowoot, period. dot. the end. get yer heads wrapped around that fact so we can move on.

  11. In addition to the dishonesty, it demonstrates opportunism at it's basest.

    Even IF Soros had said what they are insinuating that he said, even IF Soros had actually endorsed Trump, the fact that they suddenly care what George Soros has to say, after decades of fighting his every word, when he suddenly says something that they agree with and now all of a sudden Soro's opinion matters to them?

    It's simply opportunism. And that's gross. That demonstrates that they don't have a policy, that they don't have morals, that they don't have a coherent framework of belief other than "if it's good for Trump, i like it". And that's gross.

    I've managed to make myself reasonably wealthy over the years, and part of that is profiting off of the real estate market. I still recognize that even though skyrocketing real estate prices have been really, really good for me, that it's not in the country's best interest, and I argue, against my own best interest, that something should be done about that. That's what we need in a leader, not a self-serving opportunist.

  12. Maybe Trump's employing a "Don't throw me in that Briar Patch" strategy. He knows the Swamp will pull out all the stops to keep him out of the WH, possibly including assassination attempts. By slagging on DeSantis he might be hoping that the Swamp and the Media (but I repeat myself) will start *boosting* DeS as the anti-Trump.

    Maybe. I dunno. I'll vote (for whatever that's worth) for whichever one is the candidate.

  13. Trump has got to get out of professional politics. He's a distraction and a target. As such, his continued presence on Twitter is as glorious as a burning chaff; it draws attention and fire away from real people getting real $#!+ done.

    But he doesn't seem to realize that's where his greatest value lies. I can't tell if he really wants to be POTUS again to right the ship (or drain the swamp, or whatever they're saying these days), or if he's just too narcissistic to accept a loss and a lesser role. Either way, the best thing he can do for America is NOT run. If he ends up the GOP nominee, the election "shenanigans" will be turned up to 11. If he doesn't, he'll run as an independent/non-affiliated candidate and divide the Republican vote, leading to a Democrat landslide.

    I love most of what DeSantis is doing in Florida, but for now he needs to stay in Florida. He's a great counter-example to what's happening nationally, and I think he'd do great as POTUS at some point -- maybe in 2032 or so he can/should run -- but right now he'd be another distraction. (Which is not a bad thing unless he ends up a serious candidate before his time.)

    Bottom line, the best thing Trump could do is bow out and let politics go on without him. But I don't think he has that in him.

  14. It is interesting how Trump continues to be a thorn in the side of the swamp.

    Been out of office now how long? Can you name a President that continued to be in the hostile news for so long?

    I think the deep state still views him a threat and I hope his private security is excellent.


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