Monday, February 27, 2023

The Wolfgang Chronicles - IIII

Glen Filthie asked for an update on Wolfgang, and so here we go.  His back legs have been getting increasingly tangled up.  Yesterday he fell twice as I was taking him out when he woke up.  You can tell that it frustrates him, but increasingly he wakes up hurting at night (we hear him panting)  and every now and then he whimpers.  It's intermittent, but increasing.

He's still alert, although he's sleeping more.  The Queen Of The World says it's because that's the time he doesn't hurt.  I think she's ready to let him go.  I'm not, but as I see him in pain more often, I'm getting closer.

TQOTW's daughter said recently that when it's time, he'll let us know.  I expect that's right.  For now, he hasn't let me know.

But he can't run with the dogs at the dog park, which frustrates him.  He's a very social dog, one who likes and gets along with almost all dogs and people.  I have to say that I did a much better job socializing him than my old shepherd, Jack.

And so we're planning a doggie party, with his neighborhood dog friends coming over to lay out with him on the grass.  He loved to do that back at Camp Borepatch in Georgia, and he still likes to do this today.  It's not a "time to say goodbye to Wolfgang" party, but I don't know how he will be in 2 weeks at the rate he's going.  So we're having the party this weekend.

In a way, it looks kind of like when Dad was in hospice.  You know the trajectory, but not the timetable.  Every day is a gift.  Turn up the music, and dance with your wife.


  1. Sir,
    this is always a hard thing to do.... that letting go of a friend, even when he tells you it is time. The grace you can muster in those moments makes the process smoother, but not easier.
    I hope, in those final moments, you find the strength to help him go.

    Thank you for posting the video for Point of Grace. I had not heard of them before, but I surely have now.

    God's blessings on you all.

    Mike in Canada

  2. Have you checked with your vet to see if CBD might help him? I have a friend who lost two dogs to cancer, and for the last year of each she was giving them that as treats. Seemed to work well as long as she didn't exceed the recommended dosage. Otherwise you get loopy critters, although they do no seem to mind that.

  3. My heart and prayers are with Wolfgang and you and your family. Those of us who share our lives with critters know where you are and what will come. We are with you in spirit.

  4. The Princess is right, BP. He will tell you.

    When they call the roles reverse - they are the masters, and there is nothing for us but to be their servants..

  5. That is the most difficult part of having a pet: Knowing when to make the call and then doing it.

  6. We're in the same boat. One of our Aussies is at the point where he can't stand up anymore without one of us lifting his hind end up. Even then, he's unstable on his feet. He's senile, can't see worth a damn, and will sometimes poop right where he's laying. I've been ready to call the game for several months now. We're in our sixties and trying to get the dog on his feet put US in danger of back injury. Indeed, I'm nursing a muscle pull back there from doing just that a few weeks back. My wife won't let go though. ...Yeah... This is difficult... Truthfully, I wish the dog would take the decision out of our hands and die in his sleep. That never seems to happen though...

  7. I feel for you, BP. I've gone through what you are, three times now. Holding on desperately, watching the decline. Finally realizing that it's time to let go.
    My heart breaks for you and your family. Have faith, let him know he's loved.


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