Tuesday, February 7, 2023

In My Memories

America looked like this 50 60 70 years ago. The video below is just a series of stills, but to those of us old enough to remember, it evokes a time of promise and energy, shared purpose, and hope. Some of these look like my town, some of the people look like my parents.


  1. I was born in September of 1956. Looking back in time America was the place to raise a family, have a job that paid the bills, openly acknowledge that God was in control of all aspects of our lives, going to church services with neighbors, friends and family. People respected one another. People believed in this nation because we knew America even with all of her warts was were men and women took and made their dreams a reality.

    Lurking in the shadows were people that didn’t share the same dreams of freedom and liberty. Their dreams are the world in which we live today. Communism is on the march and there is no end in sight! God has been removed from the town square and the churches. Freaks of every perversion imaginable freely walk our streets. What was abhorred is now celebrated. Incredible corruption is now normal day to day business. Politicians, church leadership, law enforcement, the courts and teachers unions are a den of thieves, murderers and perverts. Our only hope rests in turning back to God and seek his forgiveness.


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