Monday, December 12, 2022

The Past is a Different Place

 I remember these toys. If you got all the kids in the neighborhood together, we might have had all of them. We played army, cops and robbers, cowboys and indians. Later we got BB guns and slingshots. It was a very different place and time.



  1. I don't remember any toys that neat. The legs on my rocking horse never moved, and we had cap guns; but I remember all the games.

    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. The Roy Rogers hat gun commercial said it was $5.98. That made me think what it would be in today's devalued money. The spot silver price is $23.43/ounce this morning, and $1 in 90% silver coins from then is $16.95 today. Yikes!

    That means the $5.98 toy is over $100 in today's money. $101.36 to be precise.

    Double yikes!

  3. Born 1945, I remember some of those. For others, please send me back -- I want!!

    And OMG, such violence!! Heh. We began with index fingers, later short sticks for pistols and long sticks for rifles, and finally plastic guns except metal cap pistols. Yes, rode in the pickup bed, drank from the garden hose, shared pop bottles, and fell out of trees. Little government coddling and I think I did OK with serving the country for a full career. Not so sure I'd turn out the same if I were born this year.

    Oh! And the fat, er, ah, chubby guy at the mess kit -- every gang (different meaning then) needed one for tug of war and boosting the others over the wall or to the higher limb. Made fun of 'em? Sure. Just like everybody got his share. I was skinny, so you know what I was called. But it didn't scar us for life and we didn't need woke space to recover from a what is it called? A microaggression. There was no aggression involved, micro or otherwise. Sorry 'bout the length, but it really got me going.

  4. DAMN!!!! ALL THOSE NASTY GUNNNNZZZZ!!!! ...And somehow we managed to grow up and not shoot up a school... 'Course, back then, we PRAYED in school, went to church, and got our asses tanned if we colored outside the lines! ...Everything's flipped now. God has been pretty much scrubbed from everyday life. I served my country for 21 years, only to watch it being given away by the very people who are supposed to be keeping that from happening. Wal-Mart is talking about closing stores after years of treating criminals like customers and customers like criminals. I could go on all day...

  5. I remember them, never could afford them. But I did have a few Tonka Toys...

  6. My brother and I had Rockem Sockem Robots. Thanks for the hour of smiles.

  7. I received the ‘Johnny Reb’ cannon one glorious Christmas morning many moons ago; it *may* have had some influence on me in my later years…
    Thanks for the memories.


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