Sunday, October 30, 2022

Site Maintenance

 In support of Borepatch, I went into the HTML that underlays the blog and set all the blogrolls to display 100 items before hiding anything. So if you look at our blogroll, you now see the entire list again. It had been hiding anything more than 10 for at least a couple of years.

Since we are talking about the blogroll, I recommend looking through our lists and visiting some of them to see some very fine content. Far better than the usual drivel and dad jokes we manage to post here. The only thing stopping me from picking some to recommend is that I would be passing by equally deserving blogs and I don't want to post the whole list.


  1. Pretend I don't know anything and let me ask a question.

    Where does this HTML exist on the Google Blogger site? Something I could edit, if I understood more HTML than just how to bold and italicize?

  2. 1. Log in.
    2. Select Design in the upper rt. corner.
    3. Select Theme on the left menu.
    4. Top center, select the drop down arrow on the Customize button.
    5. Select Edit HTML from the menu.
    6. The HTML that appear is the main page. Widgets and such that surround the main page can be edited by clicking on the small icon in the top right that looks like four black boxes with one of them set on end. That's were I edited the blogroll lists.

  3. Thank you ASM826. I have been irritated with that for a while and did not know how to fix that. I followed your directions and now my blog list is BACK! Thank you!


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