Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Do you get strange Youtube suggestions?

Tacitus tilts at the algorithmic windmill and seems to be making some headway getting the oddball suggestions turned off

Tacitus, a grateful Internet thanks you.


  1. Depends on what you call strange. I watch a lot of strange stuff. Buy yeah it goes fool sometimes & I have to clean out the suggestions just like that guy does.

  2. Deleted all of my videos (cept'n one) Jan 10 2021
    They hate us.
    Why let them make money from you ?

    Don't say anything about the irony of me posting a Y*utube link.......

  3. They could put child pork in your computer

  4. I avoid YT like the plague..
    Whenever possible I read instead of watch; I don't like having to sit through insane mutterings, and I read faster than someone can talk.

  5. Weird recommendations. yessir. YT for a while seemed to think I ought to be watching evangelical deconversion vids. "Uhhh, no."

    Call me paranoid, but it strikes me that control of someone's Youtube feed would be a good way to mess with someone's head. Froth and propaganda for the mass of proles, programming and triggers for the Manchurian Candidate/MKUltra types.

    Just a thought.

  6. My suggestions have been getting less and less helpful: recent content from my subscriptions gets increasingly crowded out by tangentially-related stuff from random channels, some of which are obvious clickfarms. Then there are recently-watched vids that get repeatedly re-suggested, which kinda points to the algorithm being b0rked.
    (Watch one chicken-related vid, and the next refresh is 20% chickens. Methinks a flywheel is needed.)

  7. I wish I could blanket remove anything to do with music videos, games, and sports. That would go a long way.

  8. Youtube either thinks I want to continue to watch the same videos over and over again, but this time out of order, or thinks I want to watch the type of videos that the women in this house watch...and I don't. I think their recommendation engine is borked.


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