Monday, September 19, 2022

The jail is full of animals!

And if you go to Key West, you can visit them at the Monroe County Sheriff's Office Children's Animal Farm.  It's located at the county jail, and got started more or less by accident:

The farm was started in 1994 in an open area underneath the jail facility. The Stock Island Detention Center was built to withstand a Category Five Hurricane, and is built on stilts, about 11 feet above the ground. Underneath the building is employee parking, and a secure fenced area used for the evacuation of inmates in the case of a fire. It was in this evacuation area, initially a graveled area not used for anything else, that the farm was started.

The farm began as a haven for homeless animals. The first inhabitants were Muscovy ducks and a group of chickens which were plaguing a nearby golf course and were being killed on a regular basis by vehicles traveling on the road leading to the jail. A short time after the chickens and ducks were brought to the area, the SPCA in Miami called and asked if the facility would have space for a blind horse they had found abandoned in their area. Using inmate labor, a pen was created for the horse, who was christened Angel, and the animal farm was born. Since, it has blossomed into a beautiful park, complete with an large aviary, reptile exhibit, rabbit warren, farm animals and other domestic and exotic animal species.
The inmates work the farm, taking care of the animals, under the supervision of one of the Deputies.  I must say that The Queen Of The World and I heartily approve of this.  It rescues animals, and it has got to be good for the inmates.

Note that they have an Amazon wish list for the animals, if you want to send something.  TQOTW sent some baby food to Kinx the Kinkajou (a rain forest species).

Bravo to the Monroe County Sheriff for a very creative effort.  We intend to visit the next time we're in Key West.


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