Saturday, August 13, 2022

More Tab Clearing, of the Donald Trump variety

Isegoria has a nifty definition of class structure in America.  Donald Trump is about the only one who has the first class in mind:

Rob Henderson explains social class through the example of where your name goes:

Working class: Your name on your uniform
Middle class: Your name on your desk
Upper middle class: Your name on your office door
Upper class: Your name on the building

You will notice that the folks who own the Media are all in the last class.  Gosh, I wonder why they hate Trump's guts? /sarc

Mike at Cold Fury thinks that Ron DeSantis is wimping out:

DeSantis, Abbott, and any other non-Vichy GOPe governors with stones enough to do so could render all Real Americans a great service, as well as etch their names with honor and glory in the annals of American liberty forevermore, by announcing their firm intention to end all cooperation and/or contact with FBI goon squads currently skulking about in their sovereign States—effective oh, say, five minutes ago or thereabouts.

Srlsy, Mike really thinks he's wimping out:

The Leftard camel has been allowed to poke its big, ugly snout way too far into the tent already for my liking, and I can’t even begin to imagine that DeSantis is in agreement with those assholes on this particular topic. Any and every time they can be dealt a defeat, regardless of its perceived import, they not only should be, they must be, just as a matter of principle.

I don't know that I agree.  DeSantis has been an astonishingly effective Governor and gets the daily dose of hate in the Florida newspapers as his reward.  He is particularly effective in dishing out punishment, not a bunch of hot air posturing.  This is what has made the Florida newspapers to melt down on a daily basis.  DeSantis is establishing a reputation as a doer, not a talker - at least with me.

Scott McKay at The American Spectator thinks it's not Trump or DeSantis, it's Trump and DeSantis:

The issue isn’t whether Trump or DeSantis is the GOP nominee in 2024. Both would be fine. Seriously. Trump is starting to get to the outer edge of what you’d look for age-wise in a president, but he’s also been through the wars and he’d be able to leverage that experience to hit the ground running and efficiently do the things that are controversial until they aren’t early in his second term.

And DeSantis is younger and smoother than Trump, having had a good deal more experience with politics and government.

But — and I’m going to harp on this, because it’s a point I make in my book The Revivalist Manifesto, which you should buy and read thoroughly — political eras are formed in America not on the basis of one election but rather five or six in a row. The Democrats kicked off the first era of our political history with Thomas Jefferson’s rout of John Adams in 1800, and they didn’t lose a presidential race until 1824, by which time Democratic politics was American politics. Ditto for the second era, which began with Abraham Lincoln’s 1860 victory; the GOP didn’t lose a presidential election until 1884. And the third era, which is coming to a miserable end, began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s rout of Herbert Hoover in 1932; it was 1952 before a Republican again won a presidential race, and Dwight Eisenhower was necessarily so timid when it came to domestic policy that by the end of his tenure the John Birch Society was convinced he was a communist mole.

The point being, it takes a generation for the concrete of a new political era to cure. And that means it’s less important whether Trump or DeSantis wins in 2024 than that one of them does. And furthermore, what’s more important than that is the standard both of them set for Republican politicians up and down the governmental food chain.

Trump is a wrecking ball, and knows where and how to start disassembling the Imperial Bureaucracy.  DeSantis is the guy who can put it back together in a way to cause even more pain to The Right Sort Of Folks.  Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited, do not remove tag under penalty of law.


  1. local local local.sheriffs should expel any agents and order their arrest if they return under 18usc241. it will trickle up from there.

  2. For a governor or state to issue an edict essentially banning a Fed Gov agency like the FBI from operating in said state is a big "line in the sand". A line akin to secession. A line that the criminals running Fed Gov would likely respond to with force. Unless said state were willing to back up such an edict with real violence making the announcement would be just more hot air.

    I'd like to see it happen simply because the criminal left is NOT going to give up, go away or cease their assault on our freedom and on the country.
    If we do nothing they win. If we respond to FORCE them to stop their criminality then it's Civil war 2.0. Either way things get ugly. Personally I believe that the ugliness of Civil war 2.0 is preferable to what the left has planned for most of us.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "DeSantis is establishing a reputation as a doer, not a talker - at least with me."

    Oh believe me, I'm with ya, BP. I love DeSantis, and actually had a good email conversation with Christina Pushaw about exactly that last week. It's disappointing to me that Da Gov was willing to go along with the statue/monument dickweedery, but hey, nobody is ever going to be right about everything. It's gonna take a lot worse than that to knock me off the DeSantis Train.

  5. It's Trump and DeSantis.
    That way, you get 3 terms in the White House for the price of one, and the resulting liberal tears would flood the Mississippi Basin from Minneapolis to New Orleans.

  6. Your presumption is that the 2022 and 20224 elections will be honest.

    What drove you to THAT idiocy???

  7. Re: "... political eras are formed in America not on the basis of one election but rather five or six in a row. "

    Were there five or six Reagans in a row? Five or six Clintons in a row?

    I find it hard to imagine the often-dreamed-about two terms of Trump followed by DeSantis (or one Trump, two DeSantis terms - whatevs) as possible in 21st century America. People are too antsy for that. The .gov didn't fix their particular care in four years, so throw 'em out and get the other side. Instant gratification tempered slightly by the time of election cycles.

    Trump is extraordinarily divisive, such that even many of the "conservative" cartoonists are against him. OTOH, since the raid, there have been many saying they were in the DeSantis '24 camp until the fibbies raided Mar-a-Lago. Now they say they're 100% Trump and the primary has been handed to him. If not the keys to the White House.

    But we have to remember the part about being divisive, and that one term doesn't guarantee anything.

  8. I can't see state or local authorities forbidding or preventing feds from doing their thing, but I'll be damned if I like seeing county sheriff's and local police departments actually HELPING the FBI do the crap they do so well.


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