Thursday, August 18, 2022

Mmmmm ... that's some tasty mockery

Via Western Rifle Shooters, commentary on CDC's statement that they need to do a re-org to "do better":



  1. Captain Kirk and Mister Spock never wore on d*mn face bra!

  2. They said they want more authority in certain areas to "lay down the law" so to speak.
    My thought was no, that's not your job.

  3. At least Spaceballs is funny.

    We can't even say that about the raging dumpster fire that is the Medical-Bureaucratic Complex.

  4. Maybe not, Murphy(AZ), but T'Pol sure wore bras!

  5. Senior management makes a dumb decision.
    Dumb decision bites organization in the butt.
    Senior management says we must all work smarter and harder. Budgets must be trimmed.

    Average worker in the organization: Who the hell are you talking to?


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