Friday, August 19, 2022

Incitatus for Consul

 Glen Filthie made an impassioned plea for Incitatus in the next election. Besides casting aspersions that Odin had bought my vote and my support, Glen Filthie's argument has some merit. Incitatus was a horse that was made a priest and a Consul around 37 A.D.. In today's configuration, I would think that would make Incitatus the Sec. of State or the Vice-President.

I would suggest some living horse, perhaps the winner of the next Belmont Stakes, but I await Glen's next comment to see if he was set on Incitatus even though the horse has been dead for over 1900 years.


  1. Not such a bad idea. A horse would do better than our current VP. Not unlike the various instances when dogs have been elected as mayors.

  2. It would have the novelty of being the first time in living memory when anyone elected the front end of the horse to office.

  3. So he's saying we need the entire horse instead of the horse's ass we are stuck with now.

  4. Nice thing is he'd always vote "Neigh" towards all spending and diversity packages.

  5. And I was surprised nobody said it before me. Slackers.

  6. When Filthie moves from Canadia and becomes an American Citizen living in the US, then he can make such suggestions.
    Until then he is just a Blowhard.

  7. Incitatus lives!!!

    As does Uncle Bob, Adolph Hitler and possibly Elvis Presley! I have the tee shirt to prove it and will tolerate no dissention or disagreement on this topic!!!

  8. Not an actual horse, but how about a free pony?


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