Thursday, August 25, 2022

Dad Joke CCXXV

Which animal is least interesting?

A boar. 


  1. Because he is not gnu and exciting, like the otters?


  2. From Flanders and Swann:

    If you hear a loud 'whoosh'

    In the African bush

    And an animal comes to the fore

    Who is basically pig

    But more hairy and big

    You will know you have met with a Boar
    You are glued to the spot;

    Will he kill you or not?

    No need to have fears about that

    Now he's made you stand fast

    And you're cornered at last

    All he wants is a nice little chat

    But don't be misled;

    Soon you'll wish you were dead

    That instead he was after your gore

    For Oh, Oh what a bore he is, what a thundering thumping bore!

    In monotonous grunts he will tell you of hunts

    Where for days he'd eluded the field

    He will tell you his sow should be farrowing now
    And enlarge on her annual yield

    He will say with an air, that for brushing the hair

    His bristle's the elegant thing

    And proudly confide they are after his hide

    For no less a man than a King

    Then a joke he will try as you stifle a sigh

    And deny that you've heard it before

    Thinking Oh, Oh what a bore he is, what a thundering thumping bore!

    As you laugh at his jokes (Ha ha ha ha ha ha)

    'I'm a popular bloke', he will think

    When you're ready to burst

    Then 'Hello there!' he'll cry

    To each poor passer-by
    The ones that have not seen him first

    For on sight of the beast they will run to the east

    And the north and the west and the south

    And long for the day when his head's on a tray

    With an lemon to stop up his mouth

    They south as they run;

    'He's an excellent son

    An a wonderful fellow, We're sure!'

    But Oh, Oh what a bore he is, what a thundering thumping


    (Grunt grunt grunt grunt)

    Thumping bore!

  3. Here they are singing it:


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