Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4th, 1960

You don't have to go back to 1776 to find history. Here's 1960 in Stow, Ohio. A world so completely removed from ours that it would require a historian to explain it to a high school class. And a world so familiar to those of us old enough to have lived there.

Happy 4th of July.


  1. OMG, a 4th of July town parade, from back when America wasn't self-loathed by half the ungrateful/traitorous fruitcakes living here!

  2. Not extinct at all. Catonsville, MD, where I have lived for 45 years, and is not that far from Frederick, has an annual Fourth of July parade very much like that. Marching bands, vehicles made into mini-floats for local businesses and organizations, even (ptui!) politicians cruise along Frederick Road (see what I mean). Locals start to put out lawn chairs to reserve a good viewing spot along the road about three weeks in advance. And there are other suburbs of Baltimore (yes, the wretched hive etc.) that do the same.

  3. By Jove, what was a Morris motor doing in a Parade in Stow Ohio in 1960 ? 🇬🇧 Happy Independence Day to you all.


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