Thursday, May 26, 2022

The word for the day: "Cacor"

This is Latin basically for "Poopyhead".  Tacitus was there when it was excavated which is pretty cool.  It's also cool to know that around 200 AD or so, someone thought that Secundus was a big ole poopyhead, and went to the trouble to carve this into a stone.

I don't think that Glen Filthie was around back then, but maybe his great Grandad? 

The moral?  People weren't so very different 2000 years ago.  


  1. You will address me as Filthicus, peasant!!!

  2. I think he was calling him a turd packer.

  3. Given depth and length of the carving, done with tools of the day (an issue knife perhaps?), I'm guessing some *serious* animosity going on there! Most definitely not an "I've got your back" situation. NO pun intended. Well,...


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