Wednesday, March 23, 2022

We've known the cut of Mitt Romney's jib for a long time

Mitt is in the news beating the drum for war in Ukraine.  Lots of tough talk, including accusing people of treason.  Looks like quite the fighter, right?

Except we've known what he is for a long, long time.  Ten years ago I called out what he is and the past decade has not given me cause to rethink anything.  I took some heat on this back then but believe that the intervening years has proven that he would have been a disaster as President.

In which I endorse Barack Obama for President

Stick with me on this, because I am motivated by hope and change.

The race essentially is between Obama and Romney - Ron Paul is interesting but whatever impact he has had is over.  Likewise, the Libertarian (whatzisname?) will get the typical Libertarian 2%.  As adults, we need to face reality that this is President Composite Girlfriend vs. Mittens.  OK then, which way will make us better off?

Let me start my cheerfully admitting that a second Obama term - unfettered by the need for re-election and likely facing a Congress entirely controlled by the GOP - will be a disaster of faculty lounge inspired radicalism.  It will be EPA killing oil production and the ATF arming the Iranian Mullahs.  He will moot card carrying communists for the Supreme Court, as well as for every open Federal Bench seat.  Nobody can constrain his radicalism now, and it will be much, much worse come January.

So what about Romney?  He's an Establishment Fixer to the core, as his record as Governor of Massachusetts shows.  While he might not support new gun control laws today, he was happy to in the past when he felt the need to "reach across the aisle" to "make an impact" (build a political career).  While he may not support huge State-sponsored intrusion into your private business today (RomneyCare), he was happy to in the past - again, when he felt the need to "reach across the aisle" to "make an impact".  Romney is easy to figure - just ask yourself what's most beneficial for Mitt Romney right now, and that's what he'll support.

He has an exquisitely refined sense of sniffing out tactical personal gain, and does not suffer from a surfeit of political philosophy like those boring old Founding Fathers did, with all their tiresome talk of liberty.

He's Gov.Party the Lesser.

And so we must vote for Obama.  He's the only hope for real change.

The GOP in general, and Mitt Romney in particular are big-government, big-spending, big-intrusion-into-our-business.  The Republic is facing a fiscal crisis - the nation's credit has been downgraded, the Entitlement programs are just now tipping into a bottomless sea of red ink, the middle class has been hammered with collapsing housing valuations, persistent unemployment, and a higher education bubble that is ensuring that our children graduate with so much student debt that they will never be able to marry.

And where are the bold reforms from the GOP?  The best on offer is Paul Ryan's plan which won't balance the budget for three decades.

And dig this: the Media will savage a President Romney mercilessly in hopes that he will falter, lose heart and supporters at the savage attacks, and think it will be in his best interest to reach across the aisle to preserve his re-election chances.  The media will think this because Romney has shown repeatedly that he'll cave if it builds his personal political chances.

So what about change?  We're actually seeing change today, before our eyes.  Just ask Orin Hatch, in the fight of his political life against a Tea Party candidate.  Or ask (former) Senator Bennett, or (former) Congressman Castle.  A Million people were energized to take to the streets to protest, two years ago.  That's change.  And you know what they were protesting?

Barack Obama and his vision for a remade America.

That's what you give up by voting Mitt Romney into the White House.  In six months, Romney will be a sad sack, pummeled by the media into losing his "conservative" veneer (and let's be honest, no one believes he's actually a conservative).

A RINO President will demoralize the one significant spark of change that we've seen, the onlyreaction to an out of control Fed.Gov, our only hope of putting the brakes on before we're as wrecked as Greece.  And quite frankly, a withering of the Tea Party reform movement will be a delight to a GOP Establishment every bit as corrupt and venal - and power mad - as Nancy Pelosi.

And so, it is our civic duty to take a hit for our Country.  Put Obama back in office, unfettered.  The orgy of Progressive overreach by Regulation will be sporadically (and mostly ineffectively) resisted by a corrupt Big Government GOP.  The Agencies will rule the land, and the economy will remain seized up.

And rather than a million Tea Partiers taking to the streets, it will be two million, or three.  Rather than five or ten corrupt GOP Establishment corrks turned out of office, it will be thirty, or fifty.

And that will be the time when the calculators like Mitt Romney will get the idea that they will most likely advance their career by striking down the Progressive beast, again and again.

Because if that message doesn't come across loud and clear, and repeatedly, then the game is over.  It simply won't matter who's in office, because they're both the Establishment Party.

So vote Obama this November.  I do not say this from anger, or frustration, or peevishness, but from cold, rational calculation.  Sure it will be painful, but we got into this mess because like Bluto in Animal House, we f***ed up: we trusted the GOP.

We screwed up, and believed all this, and the government never got smaller under the GOP.  It got bigger, and more intrusive, and more remote from the people, yea even under St. Ron.  Maybe it's too late for us, but if it's not then the only way forward is to burn the GOP to the waterline.  The most expedient way is to keep the Tea Party energized, and a President Romney will cause many to fall away from that movement under the eleventh commandment (another Reagan philosophy).

Well screw that noise.  We f***ed up once, trusting him and the rest of the GOP team.  How's that working out?  Rebuilding a party that Reagan might actually recognize is what this country needs - and right now, damn it - and Mitt Romney isn't the man to do it.

Barack Obama is.

Hope and Change.  Your country depends on you.  Your children and grandchildren will wonder what you did at the Republic's darkest hour.  Don't let them down.  Vote Obama.


  1. Accusing Tulsi Gabbard of treason for demonstrating totally understandable concern about these bio-labs was the cherry on top of Mitt's career of failue.

    They lied. Again. Anyone saying that there were US-funded bio labs in ukraine was a frothing, treasonous conspiracy theorist, right up until they came out and confirmed that, yes, there definitely ARE US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

    I doubt that these were there for nefarious purposes, I believe that their purpose was research and most likely peaceful, but remember, Tulsi didn't suggest otherwise. Her concern was literally revolving around the fact that these bio labs have dangerous diseases in them, and one misplaced artillery shell could easily set off another global pandemic.

    How that statement of absolute fact is somehow "treason" I will never understand, but I think this is just a symptom of the reflexive desire for politicians to decry any uncomfortable fact as a "conspiracy theory" since that's the most popular way to make these things go away right now. Nobody wants to be associated with conspiracy theorists, so saying that just makes these things go away. The problem is that this knee-jerk tendency is causing repeated instances of yesterday's conspiracy theories becoing today's undispited facts, and it's undermining the confidence that we have in our gobvernment and media.

    What Tulsi did was not treason. It was simply a well-founded concern being elaborated as a call to action to secure these labs against attack to prevent a global pandemic. How, exactly, is that treason?

  2. It's pretty interesting to look at who Mitt chooses as enemies, and friends.

  3. Mittens is the real traitor. You called it back in 2012.

    So long as the Republicans provide a safe haven for the likes of Romney, they won't get an ounce of support from me. That may not mean much to them, but my father is a wealthy Republican consistent donor, and he too has decided to quit donating to the Republicans until they can clean out their upper ranks.

  4. Mittens is going to go which ever direction the wind is blowing... He is now, and has always been a RINO.

  5. You were ahead of your time on that one, BP. And I fear that voting is no longer a way out of this.

  6. If Mittens died tomorrow, the line of mourners, including family, would stretch clear around the casket.

  7. With Obama in the White House, the Republicans were mostly united against him out of pure partisanship. Had it been Romney, enough Republicans would have followed him to the Left while the Democrats would have been united as always. The big risk would have been gun control in the aftermath of one of the shootings that happened in Obama's second term.

  8. With few exceptions, Presidents are much like the faceplate on a radio. Tune up and down the dial, each station plays its own selections. All the stations are out there all the time. Change the faceplate, the radio remains the same.

  9. You were 100% right about Romney. I was duped.

    Credit where credit is due.

  10. i voted obama simply to keep romney out of the white house
    it is a shame that it is almost impossible to find a statesman anywhere
    the system seems to draw evil doers like filth draws flies


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