Saturday, March 5, 2022

We have always been at war with East Asia

A fish doesn't notice the water it swims in.  The Western populations swim in a sea of State sponsored propaganda.  Perceptions are carefully shaped so that only Approved® preferences emerge.  Unfortunately for the "Elites" they have pushed the envelope so far from most people's perceived reality that propaganda collapses.  It seems that the American public remains sane:

The Economist/You Gov poll showed that despite a barrage of pro-war media coverage only 19% of Americans support "sending soldiers to Ukraine to fight Russian soldiers."

54% oppose.

You have to dig very deep in its poll story to find this gem. It is almost as if they were trying to manipulate the public.

So you have to dig to find out that Americans oppose World War III.  The "Elites" trying to shape public opinion have a long way to go still.  Good.

And the scare quotes around "Elites" is well earned.  A great post at Liberty's Torch lays out the case against them:

Rule by moral midgets is the rule now. The posturing Trump could not contain his feverish wish to bomb Syria in 2017 and Clinton before him inexplicably took it upon himself to bomb Serbia relentlessly for over 70 days. Obama chose groveling on the international stage as his signature gesture and his Secretary of State wet herself with glee at the death of Gaddafi. The entire political class of the United States has chosen to chase will-o’-the-wisps fueled by arrogance and delusions. Denial of fundamental biological reality is now an integral part of the mental processes of said class, superbly “educated” to a man but ignorant of life’s most precious truths.

It’s not only an American phenomenon. All but a few European leaders desire anything but national suicide by immigration to vindicate the most vaporous and sappy sentiments of compassion, fairness, and historical retribution. A mere 104 years after the massive slaughter of The Great War and not a one of that lot could summon the courage let alone vision to lift a finger to derail the asinine U.S. encroachment on Russia or question its inherent assumption of some unique Russian depravity or willful nonobservance of civilized norms. Slavic brutes!! Lessons learned from the reckless slide into the massive slaughter of modern industrial warfare? None.

Top.  Men.  Good thing the People still retain some common sense.


  1. I think the number of people who'd support "sending soldiers to Ukraine to fight Russians" would be closer to 0%, not 19%, especially on any military base in the nation, but if it's the latter, that'd likely be the same percentage who think Elvis is living with space aliens, and (Spoiler Alert) think the Loch Ness Monster and pro wrestling are real.

    That doesn't concurrently mean that 19% is the number who think Putin should step on a Lego, get dick cancer, and die in a fire while being eaten by honey badgers. That number probably runs closer to 81%, with the other 19% either giving Putin a tongue bath pretty much 24/7, or just wishing they could.

    Putin takes one in the head from his own guys tomorrow, and by Monday, it's like this never happened (except to the families of the casualties on both sides).

    Doesn't mean everyone for miles around thinks that means we should therefore be the ones saddling up to start WWIII.

    One of these things is not like the other...

    This is also why most pollsters are the people who were actually too stupid to run for office, but happy to be useful to whatever lackwit makes the cut. Rather like Alfrid in the last two Hobbit flicks, or Fauci and Jen Psaki anytime. "Think of the children!"

    This is why the only rational response to any poll question is to lie egregiously and with gusto. Because they'll never see the sarcasm.

    That probably explains that 19% number even better than the fans of pro wrestling do. And Shrillary's poll numbers, for a certainty.

  2. Polls are based on the quaint notion that people are honest in their opinions when asked. Unfortunately, I suspect there is not a poll on that...

  3. Polling is "Soft Voting" where the limp flags we call Political "Leaders" determine their "CURRENT" Solidly Held Personal Beliefs.

    Do I need a sarc tag here?

    Stalin had it right "It's VERY IMPORTANT the People Vote, It's MORE IMPORTANT Who Counts the Votes".

    Pollsters are the gatekeepers of "Public Opinion". The Unaccountable Gatekeepers Who Obey the ones that PAY them.

    Aesop your pretty bright, have an Excellent Command of the English Language can you manage to make a posting that doesn't include some reference to the penis or deviant sexual behavior of those that might disagree with you?

  4. Putin takes one in the head from his own guys tomorrow, and by Monday, it's like this never happened (except to the families of the casualties on both sides).

    Doesn't mean everyone for miles around thinks that means we should therefore be the ones saddling up to start WWIII.

    ♫One of these things is not like the other...♫

    No, but the first has a high probability of leading to the second. And the odds of the first being done by "his own guys" is minuscule. It will be blamed on Western intelligence operatives or their assets. Yanking on the tripwire means you shouldn't be surprised when the Claymore goes off in your face.

  5. This is honestly one of the worst issues with polling. It isn't that they're dishonest, it's that they so often lack the imagination necessary to actually ask the right effing questions.

    Do I support Ukraine? Hell yes I do.

    Am I interested at all in us sending a shit ton of our military equipment and money over there so that we can eventually "gift" it to Putin just like we did in Afghanistan? Hell no, I don't.

    I know that things are looking better in Ukraine than we ever thought they would. Hell, I admit that even cynical old me has experienced a ray of hope that Ukraine might just manage to pull it off. But in all honesty, if Putin wants Ukraine, he'll eventually get it. And everything in it. Including all that money we send over. Ukraine survives this only through Putin losing his motivation to continue, either through his assassination, removal from office, or eventual realization that the juice isn't worth the squeeze, ego be damned.

    And as for the "no fly zone", that's a hard no. No way that happens without us getting involved in a hot war with the second largest military on the planet, which we DO NOT WANT. We've got better things to worry about at the moment, because if you think for a second that the ChiComs won't capitalize on Uncle Sam committing our forces to Ukraine while we're distracted, you haven't gamed this out just yet.

  6. Aesop, you mentioned it, so I'll riff a bit - what the hell is it with people on the American right fanboi slavering over Putin?

    I think it's at least partly the Qanon people thinking that Putin is now the annointed one to blow the lid off the whole "NWO" thing, but these folks literally believe that Anthony Fauci has bio-weapons labs in Ukraine adn that is why Putin is going in (even thought I can't see any reason why Putin would never have mentioned that, or would not be displaying tot he world these labs once he's got them in his possession).


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