Friday, March 18, 2022

Quote of the Day - Conspiracy Theories edition

Francis Porretto thinks that we are entering the Golden Age of conspiracy theories and that it's all the Media's fault:

Now, whatever the truth of the matter – and it may be quite a long time before we have it, if we ever do – the proliferation of wild theories is a direct consequence of the loss of trust in the major media. The dynamic is fairly straightforward:

  • The organs of information have proved themselves un-trustworthy, and the fora for discussion arbitrarily silence persons who deviate from the “official truth.”
  • Thereafter, conversation will admit any and every thesis that might explain why we’re being force-fed a steady diet of lies.
  • Since there are innumerable possible explanations for such a thing, they will multiply and proliferate without limit.
  • The “zero plausibility threshold” was set by the major media, which have demonstrated indifference to the truth.

     Perhaps this would be beyond the comprehension of a small child. However, I’d expect a teenager to get it without a beat. Look at how much crap the “authorities” in their lives feed them.

I think he's right.  When all the media's legitimacy got sucked out of the room, something was going to fill the vacuum.  I guess we're seeing what that is.


  1. In the former Soviet Union Pravda (the national newspaper) means TRUTH.

    The Sarcasm of the Soviet People runs strong. As in they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.

    Soon enough given our Proxy War damage to the Russian and Ukrainian energy supplies, food supplies and fertilizer supplies soon enough WE can understand that old Soviet Joke

    Guess what's in the Bread today?



    Because they substituted almost anything to cheapen the bread, sawdust was common enough.

    So, are they conspiracy theories or spoilers now?

  2. I agree whole-heartedly with Mr. Poretto on this. The thing is, bringing this up in polite company will get you excoriated as a conspiracy theorist, but the examples are myriad.

    1.) The absolute slander of the Covington kids for what reason? To push an agenda.

    2.) The HanAssholeSolo debacle. For what reason? To push agenda.

    3.) Russiagate vs. the Hunter Biden laptop. Look, I'm not against people asking questions, demanding investigations, etc. These things need to be looked into. But Russiagate was pushed beyond any semblance of reason, even after it started being demonstrably shaky, and even beyond when believing it had any provenance was really outside of reality because it was so clearly established to be an op by the Clinton campaign. Then you have the Hunter Biden laptop, which, in all honesty, I really figured would end up being shown to be a counter-op put out by republicans to prove a point at first, because the way it happened just seemed so beyond belief, but now, you have the NYT quietly admitting that, yes, it's real, and the MSM swept it entirely under the rug. So, one thing proven wrong was hammered into every spare moment of air space, whereas the thing that's actually real is still being ignored. For what reason? To push an agenda.

    4.) The MSM's clearly biased attempts to cover for Biden's obvious failures, in things that they would have literally raked Trump over the coals for. If Trump stood before the nation, for instance, and gave Putin explicit permission to invade Ukraine as long as it was a "limited incursion" they'd have all been frothing. In all honesty, I truly believe he would have been impeached, again, for it.

    5.) No clear-headed review , in hindsight, of the second impeachment of Trump after it's revealed that the investigation that he called for in his phone call with Zelenskyy was, indeed, justified. Honestly, they all owe Trump an apology here (and I'm not fan of Trump, gang, this isn't MAGA talk, this is just reality).

    6.) Claiming that any talk of US funded bio-labs in Ukraine was lunacy, and literally treason, literally a day before it was revealed that, indeed, these labs totally existed? Now, I don't believe that the purpose of these labs is nefarious at all, but they didn't say "no, these labs are for peaceful, non-weapon use". Nope. They literally said the labs didn't exist, and called anyone saying otherwise treasonous! That's another lie.

    7.) All of the COVID stuff. Like, literally all of it. They lied to us so many times about it all the way through, many times when it totally wasn't necessary, that of course we stopped trusting them! As I said before, whatever happend to just saying I DON'T KNOW? How hard is that? It's better than making shit up, but it seems that they just couldn't help themselves.

    I mean, I could go on, but I'm pretty sure blogger has a word limit, so I'll just part ways saying this:

    The fuck did they expect? How long did they think that they'd be able to unabashedly, blatantly lie while pushing an agenda, and not have people lose confidence in them? And now they all clutch their pearls and gasp in horror because people are seeking alternative sources of news (which, unfortunately are more often than not no more accurate than they were?). While I'm against this conspiracy theory nonsense, I at least understand it. When someone is established as having lied to you, are you really to blame when you don't trust them anymore? When you look to the opposite of the MSM information as truth?

    None of this excuses all the folks that have traded being lied to by one group, for being lied to even more by another. The conspiracy folks are not in the right here, but until the MSM comes to understand that this is a problem of their own creation, and takes steps to clean house, this problem will continue.

  3. It is and has always been about agendas and censorship of 'certain' news. Now, with the Intarwebz, the media cannot control things the way they previously did. What is the truth? Beats the hell outta me...

  4. Unintended Consequence #17 of the media's ritual self-beclowning and seppuku over the last 20 years has been the vacuum has now left the field to the Alien Origins caliber of explainers, which always brings more psych ward than actual cogent analysis to the effort.

    Now one understands why the Mob, in its wisdom, sent Robespiere to the guillotine just like Louis and Marie before him.

  5. The difference between what happens now and 30+ years ago is that they are so much worse at it. They are so clumsy and stupid at it! They have lost their sense of proportion and any sophistication in their methods.

  6. Conspiracy theories are as old as writing. There are live conspiracy theories about Louis XIV promulgated by the likes of Voltaire and Dumas. There are conspiracy theories in ancient mythology. This is because the powers that be have been lying as long as they have existed.

    The problem is that there are real conspiracies too. These days the difference between conspiracy theory and real conspiracy is about 2 weeks.


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