Monday, January 17, 2022

Oh noes! Covid cases are going up!

Well, they are here in Florida.  More specifically, they've gone up by two - one for me, one for The Queen Of The World.  It feels like a really bad flu, or how you feel at the onset of bronchitis.  It isn't any fun at all.

Would not recommend.  This is how I prefer my 'rona - with lime.


  1. Prayers heading your way for the both of you.

    Get well soon!

  2. Hang in there. Never know the medicinal value of lime followed by that other rona might be, either.

  3. Had the 'rona. Found that repeated applications of Scotland's finest export assisted greatly. Small amounts taken frequently works best.

  4. Get better soon!

    Lots of fluids, vitamin C, D, and zinc supplements helped Tash through it.

  5. You, me, and everyone else, I think.

  6. Prayers up for you, QOTW< and ASTM.

    It is has gone up on our area as well. At this point it feels as if there are only two sets of people, those that have had The Plague and those that are going to get it sometime.

  7. I had it last week. It was like a cold or sinus infection. I'm still not sure it wasn't a sinus infection with the 'Rona tagging along.

  8. I’m 3 weeks out from mine. Much the same symptoms and mostly over in 4 days. I recommend theraflu night time with an ounce and a half of whiskey to help you sleep.
    Prayer for both of you.

  9. Staying home from work this week because I was at a family gathering this past weekend and my kid niece tested positive. I feel fine. My boss said that work will pay for the time off. I have a syringe of the Mr. Ed paste on hand just in case.

    Prayers all around.

  10. Wife and I both had it twice last winter. It sucked. Probably the worst cold I've had since I was a kid. Watch out for pneumonia creeping in and kicking you while you're down.

  11. Best wishes to you both for a speedy and full recovery!

  12. BTW, if you ever want to enjoy your Corona with that backdrop, give a holler.

    That's the casino in Avalon on Catalina Island.
    About 30 mi. SW of here.;)

    Hope you're all feeling better.

  13. Sorry to hear it, hope you feel better soon!

    I had a 'probable flu' that almost certainly wasn't a few days after flying in and arriving to my boat a few weeks ago. It went through us like grease through a goose. 0/10, would not bang. Stay hydrated, which almost certainly shouldn't be a problem with corona.


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