Monday, November 8, 2021

Pay attention to the Check Engine light



  1. I think I saw that episode of "Grand Tour." It was probably May's car.

  2. That particular light means your Chevy pickup is toast.

  3. LOL @ Phil

    First thing I thought of was "Ask Phil" then I saw your comment.

  4. I watched a Chinese show that billed itself as the first Chinese road trip show. Their driver was supposedly an expert mechanic and car guru. So, they're driving down a road and their car engine conks out. The car expect declares "maybe it's the tires!" He then gets out and checks the front tires to see if that's what caused his engine to conk out. Ka-boing.

    He would probably looked at your picture and recommend you check the tires.

  5. It means you are having a very bad day and you will not go to space today. least, not the way you intended.

  6. Don't use your zippo lighter to check for fuel leaks.

  7. I once drove a car that was on fire and thought that was cool, until I realized "hey, I'm driving a car that's on fire"

  8. Remember: the Czech Engine light should only be on if you're driving a Škoda.

    What the light on the instrument panel really means is that your car will fail its smog check, should you live in a place where smog checks are a thing. (This is something that The Big Bang Theory got so epically wrong that I suspected that none of the writers had ever dealt with the realities of car ownership in California.)

    That light under the hood, though... when that one comes on, it can mean any of several things. Some years back, in California, it meant that your car's fuel system wasn't designed for the state-mandated MTBE in the gas. (My old Jeep developed multiple fuel leaks during the MTBE era; fortunately, I detected them by scent rather than by luminosity.)

  9. That's no joke. My check engine light was triggered by some wires beginning to melt. Fortunately, got taken care of before it got that bad.
    $2700, most of it labor.
    But, worth it - my fully-paid for car runs like a new one now.


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