Saturday, August 7, 2021

Happy Birthday to me (and Dad Joke CX)

It's always nice to be 39 again.

And so to the Dad Joke: What does a turtle do on his birthday?

He shell-a-brates! 


  1. And this time a turtle post ..... or, a post, turtle. And now we will wait for TB - he might be in a bad mood and be a real snapper!

  2. Happy Birthday, Borepatch! God bless.

  3. Happy birthday, Bro. I hope it has been a great one!

  4. Happy birthday, Borepatch!

    Is this the 20th annual 39th birthday?

    Just kidding. Many happy returns to you.

  5. Happy Belated Bro! Missed your B-Day! Reasons and all (full spinning plates here) But congrats on another year on the right side of the soil!


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