Thursday, August 19, 2021

Don't ever change, National Review

National Review, 2016:

National Review, 2021: Something is wrong with the President.

By "President" they mean Joe Biden, natch.  Sorry, neocons - your should have known than there was an expiration date when you started hanging with the Cool Progressive Kidz.  Sorry for your luck and all your broken Middle East War dreams ...


  1. Borepatch, in what can only be trying to pull grim humor out of a grim situation, I find it hilarious that individuals and groups which pinch-hit for the Current Occupant are suddenly realizing that maybe they made a bit of a wrong choice. The most delightful are the ones that delicately try to walk around the excusing the Current Occupant's policies without speaking about how he got there.

    Were it not so hypocritically and at such a serious time, it would be amusing.

  2. A rogue's roster of "Who's A Douchebag?"
    And fellow-owners of every ill that befalls this country from here on out.

  3. What a goonshow.

    All the really smart people hated 45 because ketchup on steak and golden towers of bad taste.

    Such total idiots. Snobs to boot, which is vile.


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