Monday, March 29, 2021

Dad Joke L

If your home doesn't have house numbers on it, you should address that. 


  1. Keep these jokes up, and that page view curve may be flattening...

  2. Pay no attention to libertyman, he hasn't had his morning coffee yet. The jokes are outstanding, and a breath of fresh air after looking at the morning news.

  3. Navy91, perhaps I was a bit harsh, Borepatch should have an avenue of expression after all.

  4. Libertyman, no you weren't too harsh. I caught the snark, just wanted to add a little of my own. I enjoy some lighthearted banter. It can be hard to hear sarcasm in its written form. Enjoy your day good sir, I'm off to work. Booo!!

  5. These jokes may be his Boulevard of Dreams. No need to rain on his parade...

  6. That house is on the road to perdition, in the state of confusion....


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