Saturday, February 13, 2021


Peter finds an ammunition manufacturer who won't sell to people who voted for Joe Biden.  Awesome.


  1. Good idea. We need to hit back at Cancel Culture.

  2. Bear in mind, however, that his stance is costing him nothing. Is not selling ammo to a Biden supporter going to cost him anything? It's free positive publicity and he's putting customers on waiting lists to buy a scarce commodity. His stance is commendable, but ultimately it's all sound and fury signifying nothing.

  3. I dunno if it is true or fake news, but I read on Blab that the governor of Florida told Joe to go f*** himself, and in those words. I believe in civility and discussion and compromise as much as the next guy... but that message is one that Biden and his team will need to hear often in the days ahead.

  4. I'm aware of a micro brewery that very aggressively markets to progressives. No idea if their product is any good, just that the various names of their suds are advocating voting rights, extolling the usual suspects on the left, etc. That's OK, it's their business. And frankly they are taking a risk. An ammo seller who choses to not sell to True Believer Progressives is not losing market share. A brewer who calls Conservatives vile names, well, by voting percentages that's half the potential buyers and adjusting for male preferences in voting and intoxicants, probably more like 65%. They may get Woke and, well, you know the rest, but gotta respect the cohones.

    For the record I don't let politics rule my beer choice. One of my current faves is made by a Cooperative in Minneapolis and I 'spect they are off to the left a good distance. They're just not offensive about it. And it's good beer.


  5. I'm not gonna look cuz I know it's Fenix, a few miles from here. Ammirite?

  6. If I were in the retail or mail-order p*ss business, my inclination would be to not sell a cup of my warm product to a Leftist Liberal even if they offered to pay in gold.


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