Sunday, December 20, 2020

Damn all you new gun owners!

Well, no - but everyone who is saying things like "ZOMG tHe amm0 factoryz ar3 bogarting t3h ammo" need to think on the old saying about war:

When it comes to war, amateurs think about strategy.  Professionals think about logistics.

Now think on the 7M new gun owners this year: they've never owned a gun before.  They think it's needed to protect themselves and their families in an increasingly lawless Republic.  They got themselves a gun, joining us in the defense of the right to defend ourselves.

They also need a couple or 3 (or 10) boxes of ammo for their new heaters.  So 7,000,000 time 4 (boxes) times 50 (rounds per box) is {scribbles on paper} 1.4 Billion rounds of ammo for new gun owners.

Yeah, they went to the front of the ammo line at your gun store.  They bought a gun, and need ammo, amirite?

So how many billion rounds do you think that American manufacturers make each year?

Dwight (you do read him everyday, right?) sends a video of a CEO of an ammo manufacturer explaining this.  Again, Youtube is weird about embedding so you need to click through.

UPDATE 21 December 2020 11:48:  Oops, I forgot to give credit to Dwight who pointed me to this video.  You do read him every day, don't you?


  1. Best info I can find says that there is roughly 10 billion rounds of ammo produced every year in America. There is roughly 335 Million people in America.....though with the number of illegals that is almost certainly low.
    However.....divide 10 billion by 335 million and the result is about 30.
    That's it....THIRTY. As in each and every person gets 30 rounds of ammo per year. Now of course not every American owns a gun or shoots one regularly.
    But there are people who fire THOUSANDS of rounds a year for sport and practice. Thus when VAST numbers of people in society decide they want to
    join the club that 10 billion rounds per year doesn't go very far. Even a
    tenfold increase in production wouldn't cover the shortfall if 7 million new gun owners decided they needed to fire a couple hundred rounds a month to build their skill.

  2. Remember that goof on the meme about the protest demonstration? He had a sign up that said “Get A Brain Morans”....😆👍

    This is where I get my sign: “Get A Reliader Morans!”

    Do that, and stock up! Here in Canada the crunch doesn’t seem to be so bad. Prices are gross but they always have been...

  3. Errrrr... that should say, ‘reloader’. Stop laughing at me you gun loving morans!!!!😖

  4. Daniel, yeah the math doesn't really help. And that doesn't even count guys like me - I've been slacking off at only getting 1200 rounds this year.


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