Monday, December 21, 2020

A Christmas Story (updated for modern times)

I must confess that I'd never watched A Christmas Story until I met The Queen Of The World.  It's just one of the many ways that she has improved my life.

It's awesome, and if you have never seen it, the line from the film to remember is You'll shoot your eye out.  You see, the kid in the film wants a BB Gun for christmas and everyone tells him, well, you know.  The Queen Of The World made me a T-shirt with that caption and the picture of a set of glasses with one lens shattered.  I wore it to the gun show last weekend to great hilarity. 

Anyway, via T-Bolt (you do read him every day, right?  Thought so.) we find this most excellent mash up.  Embedding seems to be broken in the new Blogger interface and the new one can't seem to find this video even though it's there (WTF, Youtube?) - bit it's worth the click.

And remember, T-Bolt is your go-to Zombie Defense guy.  'nuff said.


  1. Jean Shepherd's story is a classic. The cast did a great job, and gave us some memorable lines. My friend has a full sized copy of the lamp that he displays this time of year. (Back when people had Christmas parties)

    I remember listening to Jean Shepherd on the radio at night, he was a great storyteller as they say. He also wrote a column for Car and Driver magazine.

    Yes, the Queen of the World has indeed enriched your life. (Other lives, too, by the way.)

    Getting into the Christmas spirit, albeit differently this year, as I hope all goes well.


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