Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Southwest Florida Blogshoot - November 14

I checked with my gun club and they can handle a group coming to meet and shoot.  So here are the details:

When: Saturday, November 14 at 12:30 PM

Where: Manatee Gun and Archery Club, Myakka City, FL

The date is far enough out to give folks tie to plan.  It also will be after the election and whatever post-election excitement we see (hopefully) but before Thanksgiving gets too close.

The range will charge $20 for a half day's shooting.  There are 100, 200, and 300 yard ranges, plus a 25 yard pistol range.  The Queen Of The World is planning to make some sandwiches.  If we get enough people (15) then we can reserve a private range at the club which has 25 - 200 yard ranges.

Leave a comment if you want to come.  TQOTW and some of her girlfriends are planning on coming, so bring your better half.


  1. Wish I could make it. Y'all have fun!

  2. We are going. Save space for two.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In. at least two, possibly three if Wifey wants to go.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey Borepatch;

    Its possible,

    after the election, provided President Trump Wins(Hopefully) I'll dredge the lake to try to recover a couple of my rifles and I will be there. The hotels ain't far from the range according to "google" since I will be coming from Atlanta.

  7. I will take a look and try to be there. My brother in Orlando may join us if that's okay.

  8. Sounds like fun!
    Alas, we're still (as much as practical) hunkering in place here, what with one or more members of the household being of the vulnerable persuasion. That, and rather complex household logistics... well, all our glorious travel plans are on hold until (we hope!) next spring.
    Hope everyone has enough fun to do another one, after the Pestilence is purged from the land!

  9. I have to work some on Saturday -- so if second half of the day... and for only 1 (better have (2/3?) is quarantining


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