Friday, October 30, 2020

Relax. Ignore the polls

 It's time to relax for the weekend.  The Trumpslide approacheth, despite what you hear from the polls.  I was going to write about why the polls are jacked up (again) but Don Surber beat me to it.  I really don't have anything to add to his excellent analysis.

So relax.  Trust your lyin' eyes.  You see it spreading out before you, pretty much everywhere you look.


  1. I can count the number of Hidin'/Kneepads lawn signs and bumper stickers I see here in Califrutopia on any given day on my thumbs.

    And the polls will be rushing to the right over the next few days, so they don't get this election 20 points wrong.

  2. It's not the men who vote that count but the men who count the votes.

  3. McChuck has identified our problem, as galling as it is to admit that Stalin was right. Best case is this election gets decided in the courts.

    Can you put some attention on the Captcha problem so we don't have to squint at a blurry picture to determine what is back in the trees, or decide whether a truck qualifies as a car.

  4. The "popular vote compact" should also provide some amusement, should DJT win the popular vote. It will be interesting to see all the blue states who signed on to that abomination try and find some way to weasel out of awarding their electoral votes to Orangemanbad as the winner of the popular vote, according to their solemn pledge. Democracy and all that...

  5. Trump got nearly 4.5 million votes in California in 2016. That picture doesn't look like all of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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